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Is it art? Interesting discussion on The Online Photographer

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Doroga [ 12 фев, 10 20:32 ]
Is it art? Interesting discussion on The Online Photographer

Prelude: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... smith.html
Part 1: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... t-art.html
Part 2: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... otographer)
Audio bonus: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... =121335708

Of course, most photography isn't art. Most of the photography I like best isn't art: it's photography. That's okay because I'm more interested in photography than I am in art.

But in any case, I absolutely disagree that something is art just because somebody says it is—no matter who it is doing the saying. I think that contention is absurd. Art is rare; claims to artiness and artistic-ness oh so common. That goes for anointed art, too: I never walk into a museum and take it as a given that everything inside has to be art just because it's being pushed as such. (Is a museum a cathedral? No.) I try to be ready to experience it for myself, respond to it, decide for myself how I feel about it.

Is it art? Interesting discussion on The Online Photographer