форум фотографов - разговоры о фото

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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Фотооткрытки, гуляют, естественно, и за пределами pf-пространства. На длиииинном блоге Diane, A Shaded View on Fashion, где иногда попадаются ссылки на интересных авторов, работающих с портретом, нашлось, в частности, вот такое поздравление:

Anouk Kruithof Happy New Year

2008, happy new year! with lots of haerts in your coffee!

http://www.itsweb.org/jsp/en/itstalents ... type_2.jsp

http://exhibitions.acp.org.au/exhibitio ... ltk_01.jpg
Anouk Kruithof and Jaap Scheeren discuss their series The Black Hole

Все это, собственно, не столько по поводу ее работ и осознанной попытки снимать портреты с закрытыми глазами, сколько в продолжение рассуждений, что в NL шансов студентам себя проявить принципиально больше, в том числе на основе рассуждений о собственной судьбе. Визуальные исследования:

Anouk Kruithof and Jaap Scheeren
The Black Hole

Not long after young Dutch photographers Anouk Truithof and Jaap Scheeren graduated from art school, they were featured in a newspaper series on the future of art-school graduates which was titled The Black Hole. For Truithof and Scheeren, who were determined to make a name for themselves as photographers, that title became a theme for an ambitious project: a series of photographs on depression, black-outs, the Universe and actual “black holes.” The result is this multi-dimensional publication, in which pictures relate to each other in ever-changing variations, filling the “black hole” – no matter how you define it – in new and surprising ways. This fresh, innovative publication was the first winner of the Unique Photography Prize awarded by HUP Gallery Amsterdam.
February 2007, English and Dutch text

Softcover, 6.75 x 9.5 inches
102 pp, numerous b&w and color reproductions
ISBN: 978-90-5973-044-1


"Going Dutch: New Photography from the Netherlands"
2005-04-09 until 2005-05-04
Museum of New Art
Rochester, MI, USA United States of America

http://dianepernet.typepad.com/diane/20 ... ithof.html


Имя попалось еще в любопытной заметке Foam follows function (
Afterimage, May-June, 2006 by Bill Kouwenhoven)

APRIL 7-8, 2006

If a museum's function is to be both didactic and inspiring, then the FotoMuseum Amsterdam (FOAM) pulled off a very successful weekend during what would otherwise have been dead time between taking down their Henri Cartier-Bresson show and installing work by Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Anouk Kruithof, Jaap Scheeren, and Larry Towell. Foam_fusion, with international workshops, panel discussions, portfolio reviews, an auction, and presentations by artists including Joan Fonteuberta, Stephen Gill, Anthony Goicolea, Jacqueline Hassink, and Bertien van Manen, was extraordinarily well attended.

This virtual photography event, with its slide shows and lectures, brought the museum as simulacra to life. This was manifest not only in Fontcuberta's presentation of "Landscapes without Memory" (2005) and "Googlegrams" (2005), but also in the choice of having Roman Berka of Vienna's Museum in Progress (MIP), describe the MIP's art projects that take place in public spaces and in the paper-based and digital media. Fontcuberta's "Landscapes," now collected in an Aperture monograph, continue his exploration of the interfaces between art and technology. Based on map rendering software, the images are created by scanning images of actual, painted landscapes, by Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet, et al., into a computer that interprets the colors as elevations on a topographical map. It then proceeds to render a digital landscape such as one that might be found in a video game or military flight simulator. The results are remarkable. At times they resemble their source material, but generally these constructed landscapes serve to remind us that the very notion of a "landscape" itself is a human construct and exists outside of the real world. The "Googlegrams" take advantage of Google's image search applications and the composite image rendering software that produces photomosaics…

http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m ... _n16701825

 05 янв, 08 11:12
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вспоминаю студенческие портретные упражнения Вероники М. с красками, которые, подсыхая, отваливались затем через некоторое время практически вместе с кожей. Но до упражнений с шариковой ручкой на себе там было все же далеко:

levi van veluw



http://www.iheartphotograph.blogspot.co ... /portraits

 05 янв, 08 11:34
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


На блоге Lens Culture имеется вот какая ценность:

24 Photographers speaking — online, free, and inspiring

Listening to a photographer talking about his or her work — why they use photography primarily and not some other art form, creative motivations, details about a specific image or body of work, hopes and frustrations, techniques and human curiosity, and more — can provide a unique understanding and a new way to view and appreciate their work. It can be instantly enriching to hear the way they talk, the pauses and reflections, the words they choose to describe what they do so eloquently and wordlessly with their art.

Audio recordings have been a significant feature of Lens Culture since its beginning 3 years ago in April 2004. All of the recordings are available to listen to at your convenience through our online archives at www.lensculture.com/archives . There you can discover illuminating conversations and discussions with photographers including:

Anders Petersen
Abelardo Morell
William Christenberry
Simon Norfolk
Joan Fontcuberta
Edward Burtynsky
Christine Spengler
Massimo Vitali
Isabel Munoz
Martin Parr
John Blakemore
Elaine Mayes
David Maisel
Sylvia Plachy
Christopher Rauschenberg
Michael Wolf
Jeff Cowen
Jules Spinatsch
Rene Buri
Mona Kuhn
Mario A
Mischa Keijser
Alexey Titarenko
Chris McCaw

Listen to them speak as you browse through the online portfolios of their work which is always included.

http://www.lensculture.com/webloglc/mt_ ... apher.html

 05 янв, 08 19:40
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вот хорошая возможность увидеть известных авторов:

Miesiąc Fotografii w Krakowie 2008: "Młodość"

W maju 2008 rozpocznie się szósta edycja Miesiąca Fotografii w Krakowie — jednego z najważniejszych festiwali fotografii w Polsce, który od kilku lat coraz widoczniej zaznacza swoją pozycję na światowej mapie tego typu wydarzeń. Po raz pierwszy organizatorzy Miesiąca Fotografii oficjalnie ogłaszają możliwość zgłaszania projektów do tematycznego programu głównego festiwalu. Oferta jest skierowana zarówno do kuratorów, galerii, jak i samych fotografów.

Tradycyjnie na tematyczną część programu głównego składa się kilkanaście wystaw indywidualnych wybranych przez Radę Programową festiwalu (w składzie: Karol Hordziej, Piotr Lelek, Andrzej Kramarz, Łukasz Trzciński, Wojtek Nowicki, Mark Power oraz Michael Famighetti). Wśród zaproszonych artystów są co roku sławy światowej fotografii (Martin Parr, Anders Petersen, Nobuyoshi Araki, Luc Delahaye, Michael Ackerman), jak też młodzi twórcy podbijający dopiero europejskie i światowe galerie (Jacob Aue Sobol, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Christian Wolter, Przemek Pokrycki).


Mark Power i Michael Famighetti w Radzie Programowej festiwalu

Rada Programowa krakowskiego festiwalu powiększyła się o dwóch członków! Mark Power, jest fotografem Agencji Magnum, a od 2007 roku także kuratorem (projekt "Teatry Wojny" podczas MFK 2007). Michael Famighetti to wydawca prestiżowego magazynu "Aperture". Tym samym za program najbliższej edycji odpowiadać będą, poza wymienioną dwójką: Karol Hordziej, Andrzej Kramarz, Piotr Lelek, Łukasz Trzciński i Wojtek Nowicki.

Tematem zbliżającej się edycji festiwalu jest "młodość".

Intencją organizatorów jest zaprezentowanie zestawu indywidualnych projektów odnoszących się w szczególności do aktualnych zjawisk związanych z pojęciem młodości…

Кстати говоря:


Podstawą do zgłoszenia wystawy jest przesłanie wypełnionego formularza w formie cyfrowej na adres: program@photomonth.com do dnia 10 stycznia 2008. Prosimy w tytule maila wpisać "Zgłoszenie do programu głównego — Imię Nazwisko"

Dodatkowych informacji udziela Michalina Pieczonka — koordynatorka projektu:

Email: michalina.pieczonka@photomonth.com
Tel.: +48 512 609 146

Młodość: pobierz formularz zgłoszeniowy do programu głównego Miesiąca Fotografii w Krakowie 2008:

http://www.photomonth.com/Miesiac_Fotog ... mularz.doc


 05 янв, 08 21:29
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Блог Lens Culture сообщал как-то о возможности получить крупный денежный приз:

20,000 euro photography prize

The Grand Prix International de Photographie of Vevey is a competition of projects organized by the Fondation Vevey, Ville d'Images and launched for the Festival IMAGES' 06.

The aim of this international contest is to single out new personal works which have strongly distinguished themselves from conventional ones. The choice of the theme and genre is left open.

Purpose of the Grand Prix and Eligibility
The competition is open to photographers and artists, professional or in the process of formation. Its first aim is to discover new talents of all ages by enabling them to realize their project…

http://www.lensculture.com/webloglc/mt_ ... prize.html

См. там еще и ядовитую реплику по поводу итогов…

Сайт конкурса, история:

1995 - 1998 (Palmarès seul)
2000 - 2002 - 2004 - 2006 (Site complet)




Там же:


http://www.images.ch/2006/images/CP_jur ... oto_05.pdf

Новый конкурс:


Images'08 s’articulera autour d’une nouvelle manière d’exposer à travers la ville en la transformant en musée à ciel ouvert, utilisant l’espace public extérieur comme lieu d’accrochage. En plus de la gratuité des expositions et une visibilité démultipliée, cette démarche permettra aux artistes de développer des oeuvres spécifiques en sortant du cadre d’exposition traditionnel et d’allier la rue à l’imaginaire.

La biennale conserve la spécificité de ses deux GRANDS PRIX, l’un en photographie l’autre en cinéma. La particularité de ces concours est de permettre, par une véritable aide à la création, la réalisation de projets.

© Geert GOIRIS (Belgique)
Lauréat du 6ème Grand Prix international de photographie de Vevey

 05 янв, 08 21:30
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


London’s international contemporary photography fair: a new management, a new concept, a new venue

A new management: on November 2006, photo-london was taken over by Reed Exhibitions, owner and organiser of Paris Photo, now the most important photography fair in the world. photo-london is held in the spring, and Paris Photo in the autumn. The Paris Photo team will be managing photo-london with Daniel Newburg, photo-london’s founder, as creative director.

A new concept: photo-london will now focus exclusively on contemporary photography since 1970. It aims to show the diversity of subjects, concepts, styles and techniques explored by photo-based artists from documentary work to conceptual art photography, as well as image combined with media such as audio, video, and installation. photo-london will provide a unique platform to highlight the latest international trends and expressions available in the medium of photography.

A new venue: the fourth photo-london will take place in a new and exceptional venue, Old Billingsgate, a magnificent 19th-century market building designed by Sir Horace Jones and entirely renovated in 1988 by acclaimed architect Richard Rogers. At the foot of the City, next to the Tower of London and facing the Thames, Old Billingsgate is within easy access of Waterloo Station.


http://london.test.aubazar.ui-pro.com/7 ... tm?lang=uk

2007 statistics

4th Edition of photo-london
55 exhibitors:
33 galleries, 8 publishers and 14 international Art magazines
10 countries represented

См. выборку (30 снимков): http://www.lensculture.com/pl-07.html

Erwin Olaf, Lacroix, 2006

Todd Hido, Untitled, #1447-a, 1996

Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Presumed Reality #4, 200

Josef Hoflehner, Box of Personal Possessions, 2002,

Susan Derges, Study no. 16, 2007

http://www.lensculture.com/webloglc/mt_ ... n-200.html

 05 янв, 08 21:34
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Не знаю, насколько полезно, но вот такая страница висит еще

The 2007 Photobloggies

Все же очень основательно: About the Photobloggies

The Photobloggies is an annual award ceremony celebrating photoblogging around the world. Through the Photobloggies, you can find some of the best photoblog sites on the internet. …It includes awards based on geographic region, photoblog subject matter, and "best of" categories.
Panel of Judges

We've invited editors from select photography magazines to make up our panel of judges. After the Open Nomination Phase has finished these editors will choose our final winners. Here they are in alphabetical order... Be sure to check all of them out!

AK47.tv, File Magazine, foto8, Gomma Magazine, Hamburger Eyes, JPG Magazine, Light Leaks, U&I Magazine

The Rules

A photoblog is a website whose primary content is photographs displayed in a log format. Many examples of photoblogs can be found at Photoblogs.org. You can also see winners and nominees from previous years' events at Photobloggies.org.

Nomination Phase

* Nominations are open to everyone.
* You may fill out the nomination form as many times as you like. Only your most recently validated form submission will count.
* Every form submission must be validated via email in order to count.
* URLs are required for nomination.
* You may nominate up to three URLs per category.
* You may nominate your own site.
* There is no limit to the number of categories in which a site may be nominated.
* In cases where voting fraud is observed fraudulent votes will be discarded.
* The organizers photoblogs are not eligible for nomination.
* Nominations should be for websites that were online during 2006.

Judging Phase

* Nominees will be selected by popular vote in the Nomination Phase.
* Winners will be determined from the lists of final nominees by our panel of judges

Best Western European Photoblog: Winner


© 2006-2007 Kenny Weng / Made in Denmark /


Best Eastern European / Russian Photoblog

Winner : http://dgoutnik.net/

См. все позиции:


Other year's awards:


 05 янв, 08 23:15
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вот это, видимо, очень даже стоит иметь в виду:

Winner of Kodak's Critic's Prize 2006: Arja Hyytiainen

"Ferenc, Budapest, 2005" copyright Arja Katariina Hyytiainen/Agence Vu


The 31st annual Prix Kodak de la Critique Photographique was selected by a jury of European photography critics whose formal statement said (in my rough translation from the French), "For the jury, the work of Arja Katariina Hyytiainen shows a very original and intent gaze — sometimes disturbing — on fragments of life. Her work is based on a personal artistic eye and use of very interesting light to share her personal experiences."

Еще там сообщается биографическая информация:

Born in 1974 in the town of Turku, Finland, Arja Katariina Hyytiainen is a graduate of photography of l'Académie des Beaux-Arts and has lived in France since 2005. She is represented by Agency VU' in Paris. In just a few short productive years, she has gained acclaim, respect and admiration through Europe, in particular in countries of Eastern Europe where she lived and had solo exhibitions (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Moldavie, Slovenia). Her work has been shown in group shows in Berlin, Gothenburg, Cork and San Sebastian. She had her first three expositions in France just last year in Paris with Galerie VU', at an excellent group exposition in Enghien-les-Bains (Les Indépendances), and in Marseille (Atelier de Visu).

Но вот… издержки перевода, l'Académie des Beaux-Arts — это, как можно судить по информации на сайте автора, FAMU на самом деле, что представляется очень важным этапом для последующей карьеры, хотя сами другие возможности какрьерного роста нельзя исключать. Еще там и Швеция (HOLA fhsk documentary photography), 1998-9.

Приведенная работа — из цикла Journey:

© Arja Hyytiainen — Extrait de la série Journey

Можно посмотреть все на сайте: http://www.arjahyytiainen.com/

Там же — другие серии (с небольшим комментарием), крайне заслуживающие внимания. В самом деле, очень неординарная девушка:

Arja is an intense, energetic photographer with a lust for life and humanity and experience that comes through in her gritty, grainy, uniquely personal work. She uses the camera, I think, as a form of journal for memories and experiences, and also as a way to get close to strangers and to help her come to grips with new and strange environments, behaviors, and foreign cultures. Looking through her photographs is sometimes like the guilty pleasure of reading someone's personal diary. The intimacy and distance she captures become experiences we can instantly share. I think of her as a very important photographer for the 21st century, and someone to watch.

http://www.lensculture.com/webloglc/mt_ ... kodak.html

См. также специально на actuphoto, важные ссылки:

Entretien avec Arja Hyytiäinen / Agence VU
Le 31ème Prix Kodak de la Critique 2006 a été décerné à Arja Hyytiainen
Arja Katariina Hyytiäinen photographe
Arja Hyytiäinen photographies
Arja Hyytiäinen photographies
Rencontre / Signature avec Arja Hyytiäinen
Arja Hyytiäinen Distance Now
Arja Katriina Hyytiäien Remporte le prix Kodak de la critique photographe 2006
ARJA HYYTIÄINEN & SERGEI ISAKOV - Thoughts fortheroad «
Arja Hyytiainen - série Journey

Cet artiste n'a pas de portfolio sur actuphoto.com

Там же галерея избранных работ (крупные иллюстрации):


ARJA HYYTIÄINEN & SERGEI ISAKOV » T h o u g h t s f o r t h e r o a d «


Thoughts for the road is a starting point for two photographers, Arja Hyytiäinen (Finland) and Sergei Isakov (Russia) on a future project taking place the coming winter in Russia. The exhibition is organized as an invitation to their visual language and the possibilities to unite two visions into a larger unity.

The exhibition concentrates around human conditions and the seeking paths of the two authors. The conditions and places vary but the people stay the same.

The opening event will also present slideshows and films for a deeper understanding of the two different photographic viewpoints who are now preparing to establish a common project.

 06 янв, 08 13:00
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Такая вот закладочка на автора, о котором уже был разговор, Robert Mann Gallery — Silvio Wolf

Если коротко о некоторых сериях, то так: что у некоторых брак, у Сильвио — шедевр, см. специально по этому поводу его ICONE DI LUCE и ANGELS OF TIME.

Избранные работы в Robert Mann Gallery:

Изображение Изображение

Chance 02, 2006-2007
Chance 05, 2006

Изображение Изображение

Chance 10, 2006
Chance 19, 2006

49.25 x 31.5 inches, edition of 7, chromogenic dye coupler print
front mounted to plexiglass, back mounted to aluminum

For his second solo exhibition at Robert Mann Gallery, Italian artist Silvio Wolf presents Voyager, on view from January 31 through March 15, 2008. An opening reception for the artist will be held on Thursday, January 31 from 6-8pm.

With the installation of the 14 photographs in Voyager, Silvio Wolf leads gallery visitors on a metaphorical journey enveloping the full range of photographic capabilities, weaving in and out of representation and abstraction. Beginning with an aerial view of seats at Milan's famous opera house, La Scala, Wolf signals that we are entering a world of theater and narrative. But the gallery visitor is not merely passive viewer. Rather than rooted in our chairs, Wolf's photo suggests we have transcended our assigned place, and are active performers. Indeed, photography as medium and structure are at the heart of Wolf's ongoing discourse. The ability of the medium to record and present information takes center stage, and necessarily light serves as the nominal content. The resultant forms play in abstraction, teetering on recognizable shapes and textures, ultimately articulating a meta-photography. A Rothko-esque panel finds the exquisite beauty in the striations of film leader — normally discarded on the darkroom floor, but here elevated to a higher status that is conceptual as well as perceptual. As the association with Rothko suggests, Wolf's work is never purely about structural exercises, but is grounded by the human and the emotional. Each photograph rivals the scale of the body, and in the glassy reflection of each piece the viewer is brought into the unfolding drama of the image, an effect reminiscent of Michelangelo Pistoletto's mirror paintings. The metaphorical journey of Voyager ends with a return to definable subjects: a tree in the morning mist, perhaps other voyagers ahead in the fog. Through the rhythms of appearance and disappearance, Wolf�s theater of light investigates the epistemological potential of image-making, embracing the thresholds where the visible becomes manifest.

Silvio Wolf was born in Italy in 1952. Wolf has been exhibiting internationally for over 25 years, engaging mediums ranging from photography and film to public installations. His work was featured at Documenta 8, and is included in numerous public collections. The artist lives and works in Milan, Italy.


С сериями все определенная неясность, поскольку серии Chance на родном сайте не видно, зато имеется крупная серия HORIZONs.

Сайт автора:



2003, cm 125x200x3, cm 85x125x2, C-Type print, double plexiglass, aluminum


Изображение Изображение

2001, 36 C-Type prints, aluminium. Approx. cm.120x90 each.

Другие серии, инсталляции:


Много ифнормации (интервью, публикации) вот здесь:


 06 янв, 08 20:23
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Упс… Дежавю, не иначе, автор только другой.

Photography by Ansen Seale

Попадались уже такие ошметочки времени, только в меньшем количестве. Боюсь, что «Поход на Париж отдыхает…»

Heisenberg Figure
Digital Print
25 x 49 inches

Reality Takes a U-Turn
Digital Slitscan Photograph
6 x 24 inches

Sympathetic Vibrations
Digital Slitscan Photograph
8 x 24 inches

Только небольшая выборка.

См. Photography 414 Gallery:


См. публикации и информацию о выставках:


См. недавние работы:

Temporal Form no. 10




Еще: http://ansenseale.com/statement.html

The Un-manipulated Image

For the most part, photographers have applied their craft to the imitation of the real world. The camera has been used to capture a frozen slice of time, arresting a single instant from its place along the flow of the time line.

Rather than suspending a single moment, my photography examines the passage of time. With the aid of a digital slitscan camera of my own invention, the horizontal axis of the image is rendered as a time exposure. A single sliver of space is imaged over an extended period of time, with moving objects inserting themselves into the data stream at different speeds and directions. The result is a mind-bending swap of the dimensions of X and Time. Counter to classic photography, still objects are blurred and moving bodies are rendered clearly. Some figures are elongated and have stick legs, others are stretched out and their feet resemble skis. Shadows curve and landscapes are devoid of perspective.

Instead of mirroring reality as we know it, this camera records a hidden reality. The apparent "distortions" in the images all happen in-camera as the image is being recorded. There is no Photoshop manipulation. These "distortions" could really be described as a more accurate way of seeing the passage of time, although unfamiliar to our traditional concept of the depiction of time and space in art. In other words, this camera is recording a reality that exists, but one we cannot see without it.

I draw a link between the ephemeral nature of these fleeting images and the elusive nature of the quantum mechanical universe. Some scientists argue that the orbits of electrons do not exist in nature unless and until we observe them. So then, to observe is to create. Figures appear and disappear in my work like quantum particles and uncertainty rules the day.

My work reveals my admiration and awe about the real world: the camera doesn’t lie and that truth is stranger than fiction.

--Ansen Seale

 08 янв, 08 23:15
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Joerg Maxzin

"Interface", Fotografie (Lambda), 62 x 90 cm, 2007
Galerie Sparkasse Schwabmünchen, 2007

"Formation", Fotografie (Lambda), 100 x 200 cm, 2005
Kunstverein Bobingen

"Returning", Fotografie (Lambda), 100 x 400 cm, 2005
St. Egidien Kirche, Nürnberg, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Christliche Kunst, 2006

"Binding", Fotografie (Lambda), 150 x 100 cm, 2005
Kunstverein Bobingen


См. также информацию и три крупных иллюстрации здесь: http://photo.box.sk/autor.php3?id=3154

Joerg Maxzin

training as a wood sculptor before his studies at the Munich Art Academy can absolutely be felt in his photographs. Earth-tone shadows, brought to life in his photographs, develop an almost bodily presence, the border between shadows and people often indefinable in his dense works. As if they were one, cause and effect melt, the rules of physics are overridden. People turn into patterns, patterns into bodies and bodies into linear entities. Everything flows, floats and swings in a meditative elegance that is assigned another level of meaning through their titles…

 09 янв, 08 21:19
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Hitler's Kiss Digital Print, Edition 8 + 2 A/P, 2006

Раздел китайской фотографии у Кольберга включает и такую реплику:

For me, some of the most exciting photography is currently coming from China… Это он про такого автора, как

Liu Zheng

…выбрал достаточно случайные работы, он известен по нескольким сериям другого рода:

Ancient Battle, Digital Print, Edition 8 2 A/P, 2006

Snuff Film Digital Print, Edition 8 + 2 A/P, 2006

http://www.pekinfinearts.com/artists/li ... hengcv.pdf

http://www.jmcolberg.com/weblog/contemp ... photograp/

 09 янв, 08 21:43
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Как-то уже пару раз всплывала фамилия Дорфман, и я все думал о том, нет ли связи между Д.Д. и Еленой Дорфман. Оставлю закладочку на всякий случай:

Elena Dorfman Photography




Still Lovers



Публикации и обзоры:




В 2008-м планируется:

Camera Obscura, Madrid, Spain, Fandomania (ital.), opening January 17th

 09 янв, 08 23:27
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



В череде интервью Conversations Archives у Кольберга, имеется, как выясняется не просто интервью с Эндрю Микшисом, а очень большое интервью. Ира вчера ночью отправила на краковский фестиваль подборку работ, среди которых имеются и просто замечательные, и просто шедевры. Работы — из цыганской серии. Стоило бы посмотреть эти новые вещи. Что конкретно вывело ее на эту тему (студенческий проект у Андрея Ленкевича), я не знаю, но в выставке «неСуществующей Европы» не одна работа из нее была:


Кольберг пишет:

When I first saw Andrew Miksys' Baxt I realized I was dealing with something a bit different. Let's face it: Most people only know the Roma ("gypsies") as a comedic backdrop from the movie Borat, and there still exist considerable stereotypes (and worse) about them. So I asked Andrew whether he would be up for a conversation about his work.

Jörg Colberg: You spend a considerable amount of time in Lithuania, a country which also features quite prominently in your work. I'd be curious to learn why.

Andrew Miksys: My father was born in Lithuania. He was very young when he fled Lithuania in 1944 with my grandparents to escape the Soviet invasion. They were middle class Lithuanians and feared being deported to Siberia. After a 50-year absence my father returned to Lithuania in 1995 to visit our relatives. I really didn't know that much about Lithuania and I went along reluctantly. Right away, though, I realized that it would be an interesting place to photograph. Lithuania was still a bit frozen in time. A lot of the villages hadn’t changed much in hundreds of years, and there were remnants of the Soviet Union everywhere. Since my first visit Lithuania has moved with stunning speed from a former Soviet republic to a thriving EU member and I've found a lot of material to photograph…


…AM: About half way through my stay I came across a Roma family in Vilnius. I had no idea there were Roma in Lithuania and was surprised to find them here. I started to do more research and discovered that there were small groups of Roma in Vilnius and in many villages throughout Lithuania. At first it was very difficult to gain their trust. The Lithuanian press has done a great job demonizing the Roma and they're very reluctant to speak to journalists and photographers. Over time, though, I was able to make contacts and photograph. Once I got to know Romani people I realized very quickly that they are warm and generous people. My mother's side of the family is Italian and the Roma often remind me of my Italian relatives – very loyal to family, always wanting to feed you, talk to you, etc. I think it also helped that I gave people copies of the photographs I took of them. In almost any Roma home you'll find family photos everywhere and I think they appreciated this gesture. Now I'm often asked to photograph weddings and funerals in the Romani community…


Микшис говорит об авторах, которые оказали на него влияние, в частности, назван Jerome Liebling:

My early studies with Jerome Liebling also had a big influence
on my work. ( http://www.jeromeliebling.com/ )


Загляните в конец интервью — очень интересные вещи проговариваются.

http://www.jmcolberg.com/weblog/2007/06 ... .html#more



 10 янв, 08 21:20
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Ну, далеко им до нас, конечно, но кое что тоже сварганили для великого дела фотографии на пару дней оттянуться:

photo l.a. 2008
USA. Los Angeles, 11 Jan-13 Jan 2008


Gallery 19/21 http://gallery19th21st.free.fr/

21st Editions http://www.21stphotography.com/

ACE Gallery http://www.acegallery.net/

AndrewShire Gallery http://www.andrewshiregallery.com/

Aperture http://www.aperture.org/

Joseph Bellows Gallery http://www.josephbellows.com/

Benham Gallery http://www.benhamgallery.com/

Robert Berman Gallery http://www.robertbermangallery.com/

Brancolini Grimaldi Arte Contemporanea http://www.brancolinigrimaldi.com/

ClampArt http://www.clampart.com/

Monte Clark Gallery http://www.monteclarkgallery.com/

Stephen Cohen Gallery http://www.stephencohengallery.com/

Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, Ltd. http://www.vintageworks.net/

Czech Center of Photography http://www.greisen.cz/

D.A.P. http://www.artbook.com/

Stephen Daiter Gallery / Daiter Contemporary http://www.stephendaitergallery.com/

DAM] Berlin http://www.dam.org/berlin

David Gallery http://www.davidgallery.net/

Michael Dawson Gallery http://www.dawsonbooks.com/

de Soto http://www.gallerydesoto.com/

Linda Durham Contemporary Art http://www.lindadurham.com/

Gary Edwards Gallery http://www.gedwardsgallery.com/

Etherton Gallery http://www.ethertongallery.com/

Peter Fetterman Gallery http://www.peterfetterman.com/

Fotovision http://www.fotovision.org/pages/home.php

Gitterman Gallery http://www.gittermangallery.com/html/home.asp

Charles Guice Contemporary http://www.charlesguice.com/

The Halsted Gallery http://www.halstedgallery.com/

Harper’s Books http://www.harpersbooks.com/

Guy Hepner Contemporary http://www.guyhepner.com/content/

Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc. http://www.hertzmann.net/

Hous Projects http://hous.artsguide.com.au/

Jail http://www.thejailgallery.com

Jenkins Johnson Gallery http://www.jenkinsjohnsongallery.com

Paul Kopeikin Gallery http://www.paulkopeikingallery.com

Craig Krull Gallery http://www.artnet.com/gallery/629/craig ... llery.html

LeadApron http://www.leadapron.net/

Lee Gallery http://www.leegallery.com/

Lodima Press http://www.lodimapress.com/

Luminous Lint http://www.luminous-lint.com/__sw.php?action=ACT_TOP_HM

GALLERY M http://www.gallerym.com/default.cfm

M+B http://www.mbfala.com/

Magnum Photos http://www.magnumphotos.com

Carl Mautz Vintage Photography http://www.carlmautz.com/

Andrea Meislin Gallery http://www.andreameislin.com/

Duncan Miller Gallery http://www.duncanmillergallery.com/

Modernbook Gallery http://www.modernbook.com/

Monroe Gallery of Photography http://www.monroegallery.com/


Предыдущий фестиваль:



Материалы: http://artfairsinc.com/photola/2008/press.html

Последний раз редактировалось Валерий Лобко 12 янв, 08 20:31, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

 12 янв, 08 12:23
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 415
Откуда: Минск


на ruguru замечательный пост о последней фотосессии Мерилин Монро — Bert Stern "Marilyn's Last Sitting".

начать лучше отсюда:

А.Буров Последняя (кино) фотосессия Мерилин Монро:


потом собственно пост:

Bert Stern "Marilyn's Last Sitting"


Bert Stern "Marilyn's Last Sitting". Part two.


единственный минус — посты довольно «увесистые»...


 12 янв, 08 16:21
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Paul Kopeikin Gallery — Andrew Miksys

© Andrew Miksys, Buses, 2

© Andrew Miksys, Buses, 5

© Andrew Miksys, Buses, 6

© Andrew Miksys, Buses, 10

http://www.paulkopeikingallery.com/arti ... m?index=26

 12 янв, 08 19:44
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Ранее упоминалось, ссылка списка l.a., рукотворные шедевры:


The Platinum Series

The Platinum Series of fine books represent the best we at 21ST have to offer. The hand-coated platinum print is esteemed as one of the most sumptuous and expressive forms of photographic imaging. Platinum prints provide the most expanded tonal scale of all graphic arts. They radiate a gentle warmth, detail even in the richest shadows, delicate whites, and an almost three-dimensional image depth. Since they require considerably more effort and the use of expensive precious metals, platinum images tend to be rare and unique. They stand today as one of the most ethereal and graceful forms of photographic expression, and a preferred medium of the masters.

Editions in the Platinum Series of fine books can often take two to three years to complete. This timeline begins with the initial proposal to the artists and writers, followed by decisions on integrated bindings and handmade papers, laborious letterpress type-setting and printing, all leading up to the final assembly of each individual book. The end results are books that continue to win universal acclaim from collectors, critics and museum professionals from around the world. It is not uncommon for titles in the Platinum Series to sell out before they are even delivered to our collectors or for the value of these books to more than double in the course of a single year.

It is the goal of the Platinum Series to bring the finest visions and voices together between the covers of the world’s most refined, handcrafted books.

21ST Editions — Publishers of Fine Art Photography Book


John Metoyer Blood Migration

Jefferson Hayman & MacLean Gander The New City

Michael Kenna & Henry Adams Mont-Saint-Michel

Greg Gorman The Odes of Pindar

Sheila Metzner & Hart Crane The Bridge

Flor Garduno The Sonnets of Shakespeare

Eikoh Hosoe & Charles Baudelaire Flowers of Evil

Sally Mann Sally Mann

Arthur Tress & Guillaume Apollinaire Memories

Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison & Morri Creech The Book of Life Listening to the Earth

Joel-Peter Witkin & William Blake Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience

Sheila Metzner & Walt Whitman New York


Sally Mann Sally Mann

Sally Mann

Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison & Morri Creech The Book of Life Listening to the Earth

Listening to the Earth, platinum prints by Robert ParkeHarrison, poems by Morri Creech


 12 янв, 08 20:56
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вспоминаю вчерашнее открытие в «Русской галерее», куда экспозицию из университета удалось перенести довольно адекватно (и даже услышал, что смотрится лучше). Зрители и слушатели были очень благодарные и отзывчивые. В этом смысле открытие было просто замечательным. Снимки какие-то выложу на профильную ветку.

Думаю, что все же идеальный вариант — тщательная и продуманная работа для хорошо понимаемого зрителя и с доминантой его ожиданий. Тем более, когда видишь вот такие примеры:


Robert Wilson: Voom Portraits, 2007
Installation View
Ace Gallery Los Angeles

Это ACE GALLERY, также участник l.a., на страничке Роберта Уилсона ( http://www.acegallery.net/artistmenu.php?Artist=17# ):

65" Plasma Screen, Custom Speakers, HD Media Player
5’ 5” (H) x 3’ (W) x 4” (D)
Robert Wilson: VOOM Portraits, Ace Gallery 2007

Собственно, все это по поводу того, что параллельно наблюдаю курс у искусствоведов «Музеи и галереи», где невыносимотрудовыносливая финская девушка в рамках жесткого планирования и, как кажется, совершенно ефрейторской муштры, устраивает в захваченной 128-ой аудитории выставочное пространство со специальным же обрудованием. Которым можно будет воспользоваться.

Такая вот тихая радость.

 15 янв, 08 14:30
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Christine Roth, 2003, C-Print, 89"(H) x 72"(W) | Edition of 5

Это все в той же галерее…

Martin Schoeller, по поводу которого был скорее технический разговор на дистанционном курсе. Автор, тем не менее, заслуживает пристального внимания, такого же примерно, как и его подход к съемке:

Facial Texts: Mostly Legible, Riveting All By Nico Machida

Informed by early exposure to both the populist eye of Annie Leibovitz and the formal austerity of Bernd and Hilla Becher, Martin Schoeller’s photographic portraits fill the rooms of Ace Gallery Beverly Hills with a tone of accessible gravity. Schoeller’s subjects are mostly familiar—well-known actors, politicians, musicians—and every so often unrecognizable; but all are presented via an unflinching close-up that at once decontextualizes and sharpens its contents. As a result each C-print proves a compelling visual text in its own right, an opportunity to precisely examine the complexities and contradictions of faces. But when hung in a large group, as they are now at Ace Gallery Beverly Hills, Schoeller’s photographs take on a haunting prosthetic agency, as if gazing back at the viewer from so many points.Their sustained intensity is at once potent and uncanny, especially in the Gallery’s vast central space, where the iconic Jack Nicholson (2002) joins the disfigured anonymity of Joseph Mosner (2004) in a panopticonic chorus of fixed, searching eyes. Here, as everywhere in the show, one crisp, frank, monumental image is arrayed after another, cohered around a logic of rigorous seriality, a potent spareness. One almost forgets that many of these are famous faces, as it becomes increasingly clear that Schoeller’s deft, assured representational style is very much this show’s point.

September 9, 2007

http://www.acegallery.net/reviews/schoe ... review.pdf

Missy Elliot, 1999
C-Print, 61 1/2"(H) x 50"(W) Edition of 3 | 43"(H) x 35"(W) Edition of 7 | 24"(H) x 20"(W) Edition of 10
Ace Gallery Beverly Hills, 2007

Angelina Jolie, 2004
C-Print, 61 1/2"(H) x 50"(W) Edition of 3 | 43"(H) x 35"(W) Edition of 7 | 24"(H) x 20"(W) Edition of 10
Ace Gallery Beverly Hills, 2007

Jack Nicholson, 2002
C-Print, 61 1/2"(H) x 50"(W) Edition of 3 | 43"(H) x 35"(W) Edition of 7 | 24"(H) x 20"(W) Edition of 10
Ace Gallery Beverly Hills, 2007

А вообще там масса гораздо более впечатляющих наготой портретов… К примеру:

Christopher Walken, 2000
C-Print, 61 1/2"(H) x 50"(W) Edition of 3 | 43"(H) x 35"(W) Edition of 7 | 24"(H) x 20"(W) Edition of 10
Ace Gallery Beverly Hills, 2007

Есть и очень проникновенные работы…

http://www.acegallery.net/artistmenu.ph ... Artist=41#

Martin Schoeller, 2007, Installation View, Ace Gallery Beverly Hills

 15 янв, 08 14:58
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