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Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
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Сообщения: 125
Откуда: Minsk
Камера: Sony DSLR-A850


А теперь все расслабтесь!

Because music matters...

 22 сен, 08 17:59
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] продавец

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Сообщения: 125
Откуда: Minsk
Камера: Sony DSLR-A850


Хочется просто схватиться за неё и уже не отпускать.... :oops:

Because music matters...

 22 сен, 08 18:11
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

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Сообщения: 2590
Откуда: Минск


Валерий Лобко писал(а):
Если в самом деле будет анонс, а не первое апреля, то сказочная реальность с внутренней трансформацией привычного корпуса узкопленочной зеркалки наступила быстрее, чем ожидалось…

New Leica S-System

Leica has "one more thing"
As I reported before here is another confirmation about the "The Future of Memories" event (email from l-camera-forum):

Dear LeicaRumors,
There are some hints and rumors that Leica has "one more thing" for this Photokina.
Ronald and I (and some other forum members) got invitations to an event in Cologne on Monday evening — photokina eve. The event is called (very lyrical):

The Future of Memories
After some calls, Leica agreed that we start a kind of live transmission here in the forum: We'll have cameras, laptop and hopefully a good internet connection with us and will keep you up-to-date.

OK guys, no other appointments for Monday evening (7 pm CEST, 6 pm GMT), put enough beer in the freezer, get some potato chips and gather in front of you computer screens — we are on the road for you.

photokina Live Ticker
We'll create a new thread in this special forum in which we'll start reporting on Monday evening (22th September 6pm CEST).
As soon as we have official informations we'll publish them in our photokina special.

photokina Live Ticker (22th September 6pm CEST)

photokina special

Там же:

40 megapixels medium format Leica and 10 autofocus lens @ Photokina

Email from a reader in France:

Today, I had to go to xxx a well known store dedicated to Leica in Paris (France) to get a part replaced on my M6. The owner of the store was talking with a friend about the next Leica camera...
He said that Leica will be announcing at Photokina a new camera , that no other brands have, a digital medium format camera dedicated to reporter (like the mamiya 7, but digital).

The only technical specification that he said was : 40mpixel, medium format and Leica will produce a range of 10 autofocus lenses for that camera. He also said that it would be available 6 months to 1 year after photokina.

He talked about the R10 too, but he said nothing interesting on it. Just "Yes, the R10 will come".

New Leica camera system: code name "AFRika"


Leica debuts S-system, 37-megapixel flagship S2 camera

http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/22/leic ... s2-camera/

 22 сен, 08 19:24
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Не знаю, пока тишина, среди первых картинок с выставки — ничего:

Welcome to Photokina 2008

Вот ветка новая там на форумах: Leica Talk

leica s system NEW (откуда и были ссылки)
http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read. ... e=29429694

Там такая вот реплика имеется:

Интересная реплика на одной из веток:

With all these new FF DSLR out there, I think Leica wold have a hard time competing in that arena...UNLESS they came to market with a unique DSLR that had an even larger sensor (Medium Format) in a small form factor body.

That would have the whole world buzzing with interest and excitement…

И вот еще:

Sony is rumored to have a 30something or 40 something up their sleeves. (Another camera from them will be announced next year.)

Leica Talk

 22 сен, 08 20:40
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вот такое замечание попалось (видел похожие еще):

Seriously, Leica is overrated. Its just a medium-format sensor crammed into a dSLR mody. Mamiya did this with the ZD dSLR a few years ago; cramming a Leaf Aptus 22 into a Mamiya dSLR body. This is basically using a Dalsa or Kodak CCD and putting it into a smaller body; essentially you won't be able to shoot anything over ISO400 without a ton of noise (ISO800 boosted).

It won't have the speed of flexibility of a 1Ds (or even 5D Mark II or Sony A900 for that matter), and it won't have the image quality of the 65MP Phase Ones or 60MP Hasselblad H3D in the studio (plus you have a huge selection of pro Zeiss/Hasselblad lenses to choose from).

The original S1 sold only 148 cameras total in world. Depending on the pricing I don't see why you would choose an S2 over a Hasselblad/Mamiya/PhaseOne/Leaf or a Canon 1Ds.

http://gizmodo.com/5053130/leica-leaks- ... at-s2-dslr

Горячие новости: http://www.1001noisycameras.com/

 22 сен, 08 22:09
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Весьма обильная иллюстрациями публикация:

1854, the blog of the British Journal of Photography

Leica S2 — 13 photos of the new system

Leica was expected to stun the world tonight with a special press conference at Photokina in Cologne, Germany. Of course, the release was leaked online a few hours before the press briefing. However, BJP was able to see the S2 in an exclusive briefing held in London last month. Here are 13 pictures of the new system with its lenses.

http://www.1854.eu/2008/09/leica_s2_13_ ... e_new.html

British Journal of Photography

Leica enters the digital SLR market with 37.5 megapixel surprise

The S2, which has a 37.5 million pixel resolution, is the first of many future models that will form part of the S system. The first model sports a 30x45mm CCD sensor, which is 56% bigger than a typical 35mm sensor. The sensor was developed by Kodak, which has been working with Leica since it introduced its first digital rangefinder, the M8, and the Modul-R digital back for the R system.

'We started from scratch,' Leica's product manager Maike Harberts tells BJP. 'All the components that define the quality of the image were designed for each other. We began with a large-format CCD sensor and literally configured the camera around it, rather than adapting existing technologies'.

Fujitsu designed the Maestro image processor especially for Leica's S system. 'It's twice as fast as the one from Hasselblad H3DII-39,' Harberts claims. It allows the camera to shoot images in a variety of formats, including raw, JPEG and DNG to ensure complete future compatibility.

The weather-proof S2 is smaller than top Canon or Nikon DSLR, Leica says, but provides the same features usually found in medium format cameras. 'For example, the S2 obtains better results at high ISO than any other current digital back,' claims Harberts.

The S2 will retail at around €20,000 (body-only), and is aimed primarily at fashion and commercial shooters who want medium format quality combined with a DSLR's speed and versatility.

…The development started two years ago, after Leica took a frsh look at its digital strategy. The S2 will be released in summer 2009. Additional specifications for the new system will be released early next year, however, Leica presented a working prototype at the Photokina trade show this week.

Весь текст:

http://www.bjp-online.com/public/showPa ... age=816234

Leica stuns industry with new S-System

The Leica S2 was due to be announced at the Photokina trade show the week of 22 September, but Professional Photographer was able to preview a prototype at an exclusive briefing in London.
“We realised that many professionals work with medium format but also keep another camera – a Canon or a Nikon – for location work,” said Leica UK’s David Bell. “We wanted to make something to occupy that middle ground -- a camera that would give the quality of medium format and the handling and flexibility of 35mm.”
From Pro’s experience with Leica’s prototype S2, we’d say the camera sits roughly between Canon’s EOS 5D and EOS 1Ds MkIII in terms of size, and feels very ergonomic.

Leica product manager Maike Harberts said the S2 would be very much a tool for a professional photographer. “We have a stunning line-up of nine lenses in the S-system. Some will have leaf shutters to enable flash sync at fast shutter speeds, other will be smaller and rely on the S2’s built-in focal plane shutter,” she said. “We expect the S2 to be able to perform twice as fast as Hasselblad H-series cameras and put in a better performance at high ISOs too.”

Harberts also said the technology from the S2 would trickle down to other yet-to-be-announced Leica digital cameras.

http://www.professionalphotographer.co. ... s/leica-s2

S2 — Photo.net Leica and Rangefinders Forum

Такая реплика:

"...the best professional photography system available..." (paraphrased from the interview)

I guess for pure image quality alone, this will probably be the ticket.... however, i do wonder if it's in an awkward position.... People who want fast and small but with good quality will pick the D3 or 1Ds3... those who want extreme resolution and image quality would probably just pick the H3D-II and a P45 back or something similar (considering the price).

I'm going to assume the MSRP for this thing will be astronomical, so i can't imagine that anyone would actually find a place for this in their bag, even in the mid-upper end of the professional market (much less advanced hobbyists of any kind). I'm sure some will, but will that number actually be large enough to make this whole venture of their's sustainable? Will the quality actually be worth the price it will sell for?

The danger for leica is if it fails to exceed the quality of other MF systems, and fails to exceed the speed of the 1D/D3 systems, it won't sell. There just arn't enough die hard leica fans out there with money to burn.

Time will tell I suppose...

Интересно там дискуссия начиналась:

— Is this for real?

— Of course it is. Does the internet ever lie?


 22 сен, 08 23:57
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Местный житель

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Сообщения: 1873
Откуда: Минск
Камера: Nikon D850


Надо лейку брать, не зря я говорил... :lol:

VL Слава, всего лишь 30 000 долларов, не считая объективов. Как раз на порядок отличие от мэйнстрима…

"Ателье портрета", студийная фотография.

 23 сен, 08 0:33
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


На DPReview появилось:

Leica S2 with 56% larger sensor than full frame

Photokina 2008: Leica has today unveiled a brand new autofocus DSLR system designed for professional users, which is configured around a 30x45mm sensor (i.e. 56% larger than 35mm full-frame). The S-system will utilize an advanced new dual shutter, with both an in-body focal plane shutter for fast lenses, and in-lens leaf shutters for high flash sync speeds. The first camera, the S-2, will feature a 37.5 megapixel CCD sensor in a weatherproof body which is similar in size and handling to conventional 35mm-type DSLRs. The new ‘Maestro’ image processing system provides twice the operating speed of current medium-format backs, significantly reduced power consumption, and allows production of in-camera JPEGs. The company has also developed a range of nine new lenses, including macro, ultra-wideangle, and tilt-and-shift designs.
The lenses will include 24mm ultrawide, 35mm wide, 70mm standard, 100mm short tele, 120mm macro, 180mm telephoto, and 30mm tilt-and-shift optics – more details to be added as we get them.

Unexpected but inevitable.
The brilliant new Leica S2 digital SLR.

September 23, 2008: LEICA S2 – Remarkable new camera from Germany redefines the professional DSLR class with a custom 37.5-megapixel, 30 x 45 mm sensor built into a 35mm-sized body.

Some companies tweak the features. At Leica, we transform the concept. That’s why the introduction of the flagship Leica S2 is not merely an incremental advance. It is nothing less than a watershed event that sets an entirely new performance standard for professional digital SLRS…


Leica Camera and Phase One have agreed to enter into a long-term strategic alliance

http://www.s.leica-camera.com/leica-cam ... he-allianz

Камера вживую:

David Farkas Photography Blog

Leica VIP Launch Event for S2

Leica really went all out with this event. From the team of “are you on the list?” greeters to the non-stop champagne, beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres, this was a spare no-expense ordeal. You definitely got the impression that Leica had something to celebrate. Around 7:30, a short promo movie showed on the screen (care of the new Pradovit-D), and then Dr. Kaufmann got up to speak. He revealed the S2, as well as a strategic alliance with Phase One…

The S2 is what Leica is calling a Leica Pro Format camera, which means medium/mid format to most. They are actively trying to get away from the impression and preconception that the term “medium format” brings to mind. Fair enough. Last Photokina, Hasselblad tried to convince everyone that 36x48mm is full frame in Hasselblad land because there are no crop marks in the viewfinder. Back to the S2. The camera is really quite compact. If you are thinking about the all-in-one Mamiya ZD, think again. It is actually smaller than a Nikon D3 or a Canon 1 series, let alone the ZD or any medium format system to date. In fact, it is about the size of a D700, which is truly remarkable engineering when you consider that the S2 has a 30x45mm sensor, 56% larger than the D700.

Довольно большой текст:

http://dfarkas.blogspot.com/2008/09/lei ... or-s2.html

Официальная информация: http://us.leica-camera.com/photography/s_system/

Сайт проекта: http://www.s.leica-camera.com/

 23 сен, 08 7:12
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 2671
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


ну вот и подмога тем "кто привык покупать дорогие вещи" :D

а то тут в соседней ветке (сапоп 5д) волновались за несчастных милионерчегов


 23 сен, 08 9:50
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 2671
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


S2 has a 30x45mm sensor

кстати говоря — лейка давно искала пути увеличить размер кадра — в частности путем отказа от перфорации в 35мм пленках

размер сенсора 30х45 — это как раз тот формат, который был бы на такой пленке

так что он наверняка родился не вчера, и какие то наработки у лейки уже были давно


 23 сен, 08 12:16
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Павел Бояров на том древнем семинаре под Минском рассказывал, что эта идея абсолютно торпедировалась традицией — столько, мол, всяких машинок сервисных наработано под перфорацию, куда целую индустрию перекраивать…

А напрасно, напрасно — даже несколько меньшей разницы в площади как раз было бы достаточно для выхода на среднеформатную пластику изображения, особенно на новых и малочувствительных пленках. При сохранении парка объективов, оперативности работы, большого запаса кадров и т.п.

 23 сен, 08 12:46
Сообщение  Leica "отожгла" с новой S-системой!
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1873
Откуда: Минск
Камера: Nikon D850


Валерий Дмитриевич! Советую вам подписываться в чужих сообщениях так:

Голос с неба VL ....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Ателье портрета", студийная фотография.

 23 сен, 08 13:43
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