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Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

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Сообщения: 1378


Уважаемые господа!

Увидела свет История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938 том 1 в двух частях, 2010г.
Центральный Европейский Дом Фотографии FOTOFO, Братислава, Словакия

Biographical No tes:
Berman, Ilya and Jankel, (dates unknown)
were brothers and from 1903 owners
of a photographic studio in Minsk, but
from 1909 only Ilya worked in the photo
Boretti, Vikenci (Warsaw, 1859 – 1932)
came to Minsk from Warsaw and
owned a photographic studio in Minsk
from 1881 to 1898. He was trained
by his uncle Theofil Joseph Boretti,
a famous photographer of Warsaw.
Well-known photographer-portraitist
Moses Nappelbaum later began his
photographic career in Boretti’s studio
from 1884 to 1887.
Dashkevich, Lev (Minsk, 1882 – 1957)
was a photographer, scientist, teacher
and publicist who studied photo-art
at the Photography Department of the
Higher School of Graphic Arts in Paris
from 1908 to 1909. He was a master
photographer of regional studies
and portraits and a representative
of pictorialism. He was the author
of several articles on scientific
photography in journals both at home
and abroad and was the first in Belarus
to develop and give a course of lectures
on photography which took into
consideration foreign experiences of
teaching photo-art, paying particular
attention to scientific substantiation
and to artistic design in photography.
He was one of founders of the Minsk
Society of Amateur Photographers in
Epstein, Lev (dates unknown) was
a member of a Vitebsk Photographic
Society, the owner of a photo workshop
in Minsk from 1901 to 1917 and
a master of the photo portrait genre.
He was awarded gold medals for
exhibitions in Ryazan, Russia in 1901
and Felline, Italy in 1909.
Fishman, Моnakhim (dates unknown)
was the owner of the Art Photo studio
in Mogilyov and made portraits to
order for the inhabitants of Mogilyov
as well as photographing various sites
in the city which were often published
on postcards. He was honoured by
the city authorities for capturing the
most important events in the public
life of Mogilyov and the province
(for example, the celebration of the
200th anniversary of a battle with the
Swedes at a village named Lesnaja).
He was awarded gold medals for
photographic exhibitions in Vienna in
1906 and Paris in 1907.
Jastremsky, Fiodor (dates unknown)
was an amateur photographer in
Minsk who served as the chairman
of the Minsk State Chamber up to
1912, a member of the Minsk Society
of Amateurs of Natural Sciences,
Ethnography and Archaeology, and
wrote several books. At an Artistic-
Industrial Exhibition in Minsk in 1910
he had 29 three-dimensional pictures
Jukhnin, Somir (Vitebsk, 1870 – ?)
from 1896 to 1928 was the owner
of a photographic studio in Slutsk
and was the author of a series of
photographs of Belarusian peasants
and townspeople, as well as scenes
from city and rural life. His photos
were used for postcards and he
was awarded a gold medal at the
international exhibition in Antwerp,
Belgium in 1907. In 1928 he was
arrested for purchasing 500 cards of
foreign production, was condemned
and exiled from Belarus with no right
to reside in the central cities.
Меtor, Israel (1879 – ?) was the owner of
a photographic workshop in Minsk
from 1901 to 1924-1926.
Miransky, Grigory (Rezhitsky, 1875
– ?) was the owner of the Central
Photography studio in Minsk from
1898 to 1930 and alongside his
photography business he worked
for the Minsk voluntary fire brigade,
participating in several exhibitions.
Nappelbaum, Moses (Minsk, 1869 – 1958)
was the owner of a photographic
studio in Minsk beginning in 1896
and was an internationally-recognised
master of the psychological portrait.
From 1892 to 1895, he worked in
various photo workshops and photo
factories in the USA. In 1910 he moved
to St Petersburg where he founded his
own photographic studio.
Ostrovsky, Vladislav Leon (1864 – ?) was
the owner of a photographic studio
in Vitebsk and from 1919 to 1920 he
was a manager of the first State Photo
Studio in Vitebsk.
Plakhov, Lavr (1810 – 1881) was
a Russian painter who studied art in
St Petersburg and was apprenticed
first to the artist-lithographer Beggrov
T h e H i s t o r y o f B e l a r u s i a n P h o t o g r a p h y , 1 9 0 0 – 1 9 3 8
and then to Venetsianov from 1829.
From 1832 to 1836 he was a student of
the Academy of Arts in St Petersburg
and from the late 1840s he produced
daguerreotypes in various cities of the
Russian empire – Kharkov, Vilna, Minsk
and others.
Prushynski, Stanislav Anton (Asincy
Manor, 1826 – 1895) was one of the first
Minsk photographers and opened the
first daguerreotype workshop in 1850.
After the rebellion against the tsarist
regime in 1863 he was sent to Tomsk in
Siberia for 10 years and from 1873 he
lived and worked in Warsaw.
Soloveychik, Isaak (Białystok, 1890 – 1967)
managed a photographic studio in
Vitebsk beginning in1921 and from
1933 worked as a photographer in
the Belarusian State Publishing House
in Minsk. He was one of authors of
the photo album Belarus Savetskaja
published in 1930. From 1923 to 1941
he was the head of the first photo
circles in Vitebsk and Minsk and was
also one of founders of the Minsk
Society of Amateur Photographers
in1925 and the people’s photo club
“Minsk” in 1960.
Semeniaka, Vladimir (1896 – ?) was
a press photographer for Belarus’ first
illustrated magazine Chyrvonaja Belarus
(1930 – 1933) as well as for a number
of newspapers in Minsk and Moscow.
He took up photo-reporting from 1925,
was a member of the Minsk Society of
Amateur Photographers and one of the
authors of the album Belarus Savetskaja
Serbov, Isaak (Kulshychy, 1871 – 1943)
was a well-known scientist and
ethnographer and a specialist in
folklore, an archaeologist and an
amateur photographer. Serbov
took many photographs of local
people and their work during his
ethnographic expeditions and in the
summer months of 1911-1913 alone
he took more than five thousand
Serebrin, Ilya (? – 1904) was a member
of the Vitebsk petit-bourgeoisie
and from 1890 he was the owner of
photographic studios in Vitebsk, Vilna
(1893-1904) and Smolensk. He was
honoured with several diplomas and
awards at photographic exhibitions
in 1898 and 1903 and was also
favourably mentioned by members of
the Imperial Family.
Zlotnikov, Piotr (Gomel, 1867 – 1938)
was an amateur photographer and
in 1895 he was sent to Minsk where
worked in the State Chamber as
bookkeeper. From 1920 he was an
actor in the Belarusian State Theatre
in Minsk and was a friend of the
well-known Minsk photographer Lev
Epstein who taught him photographic
art. He was a member of the Minsk
Society of Amateur Photographers

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Я - личность творческая, хочу творю, хочу вытворяю

 25 мар, 11 0:40
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

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Сообщения: 5368
Откуда: Минск
Камера: Canon


в числе авторов книги: Nadya Savchenko (Belarus)

дорогу осилит идущий...

 25 мар, 11 2:00
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1378


Sergey Mikhalenko писал(а):
в числе авторов книги: Nadya Savchenko (Belarus)
именно так.
Сразу после встречи с Надеждой (хорошо сказала :D ) я поспешила поделиться с вами этой новостью.
Дальше будет больше, в смысле в следующих томах о белорусах :wink:

Я - личность творческая, хочу творю, хочу вытворяю

 25 мар, 11 9:01
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 793


Елена Шалимо писал(а):
Sergey Mikhalenko писал(а):
в числе авторов книги: Nadya Savchenko (Belarus)
именно так.
Сразу после встречи с Надеждой (хорошо сказала :D ) я поспешила поделиться с вами этой новостью.
Дальше будет больше, в смысле в следующих томах о белорусах :wink:

Кстати, когда мы разговаривали с директором национального музея истории Беларуси С.Вечером о потенциальном музее фотографии, то именно Надежду Савченко имели в виду, как первого сотрудника этого музея. Ведь на сегодняшний день она чуть ли не единственный профессионал, который занимается историей белорусской фотографии. Если есть кто-то еще -- можете меня поправить.

 25 мар, 11 23:14
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1988


Может я чего не понял, но вызывает досаду отсутствие хоть какого-то упоминания о Яне Булгаке.
О чём же тогда книга "Край дзіцячых гадоў"?

Возможно мой сайт вам понравится больше.

 26 мар, 11 15:32
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1378


Ведренко Валерий писал(а):
Может я чего не понял, но вызывает досаду отсутствие хоть какого-то упоминания о Яне Булгаке. О чём же тогда книга "Край дзіцячых гадоў"?
Валера, читай http://znyata.com/proekty/how-10.html

Господа, внимание!

6 апреля в фотоклубе "Мінск" в 18-00 состоится презентация "Истории Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938".
Надежда Савченко расскажет об истории и перспективах этого замечательного проекта.

Я - личность творческая, хочу творю, хочу вытворяю

 01 апр, 11 16:27
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1988


Читал. Не убедили.
Достаточно было упомянуть имя и годы жизни на Беларуси.
У Польши его никто не отнимает, но без корней не бывает деревьев.
Любопытно, а в литовском разделе он есть?

Возможно мой сайт вам понравится больше.

 01 апр, 11 18:01
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1378



Господа, внимание!

6 апреля в фотоклубе "Мінск" в 18-00 состоится презентация "Истории Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938".
Надежда Савченко расскажет об истории и перспективах этого замечательного проекта.

Я - личность творческая, хочу творю, хочу вытворяю

 04 апр, 11 17:46
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1378


Уже сегодня, в 18-00!

Приглашаем! *BRAVO*

Я - личность творческая, хочу творю, хочу вытворяю

 06 апр, 11 8:37
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1378


Валера, УРА!
Все нормально. Булгак НАШ!
Надежда реабилитирована.

Я - личность творческая, хочу творю, хочу вытворяю

 06 апр, 11 21:07
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 1988


Прошу обьяснить, что произошло после 18.20 :D

Возможно мой сайт вам понравится больше.

 06 апр, 11 22:18
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 923
Откуда: Правое полушарие ледовитого океана


Все вошло в свою историческую колею )


 06 апр, 11 22:30
Сообщение  История Европейской Фотографии 1900-1938
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 1083
Откуда: Минск



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ПАвлов ВЛадимир tel +375 29 6803330
 07 апр, 11 16:58
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