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The Big Valley
Alex Prager

Michael Hoppen Gallery
GB. London, 25 Apr-07 Jun 2008

Выставка очень интересной Alex Prager в известной лондонской галерее.


http://www.michaelhoppengallery.com/art ... alley.html


 10 апр, 08 21:48
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вчера не успел ссылки записать…

Alex Prager, Pride, from the Book of Disquiet Portfolio
2006, C-print, Robert Berman Gallery

Alex Prager, Four Girls
2007, hromogenic print, mounted,
Edition of 5; Edition of 7; Edition of 9, signed
48 x 55.3 inches; 36 x 42.4 inches; 20 x 23.5 inches
Robert Berman Gallery


Коллекция Polyester:
http://www.robertbermangallery.com/robe ... lyster.htm



Duration: I've been a photographer for just about seven years.

Staff: Usually it's just me, my assistant, hair and makeup people, and sometimes a masseuse for those days when I'm feeling a bit excessive.

Education: I received most of my education, between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, traveling across the States and throughout Europe. I have no official training in photography.

Cultural Influences: Art, music, vacation.
Environment: My sets are usually pretty small. I try to have exactly what I need, and the people I need, to make the picture work. It's best for me not to have anyone around who isn't directly contributing. That way everyone there has the same goal. We're like a little family. It's usually a lot of fun and goes pretty quickly.

Philosophy: I find that if I keep things simple and don't over think, I get better pictures. And if I'm really liking what I'm making and I'm enjoying doing it, I'm usually on the right track. In other words, if I'm putting a lot of effort into something and it's just not feeling right, it's probably because it isn't. I guess that's my philosophy, to try the best I can to follow my instincts. Instinct is the only good monitor for art--or life for that matter! Great, now I'm giving life advice. This is not where I meant for this to go.


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=61659213
http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing ... ger&nbc1=1
http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing ... lbi&nbc1=1

Последний раз редактировалось Валерий Лобко 11 апр, 08 12:21, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

 11 апр, 08 11:04
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



Alex Prager

Noah Kalina



Alex Prager's Polyester Picture
http://www.celebritywonder.com/event/Al ... 93634.html


 11 апр, 08 11:13
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Noah K. Everyday

detail 2007
7 of 8

Noah K. Everyday is a daily self portrait project that began on January 11th 2000.

View the project website here.
View the YouTube award nominated video here.

see also:
New York Times article.
The Simpsons Parody


 11 апр, 08 11:44
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



kulturreich Galerie
D. Hamburg, 10 Apr-12 May 2008

Aufgetischt! Fotografische Inszenierungen des Genusses"

http://photography-now.com/popup_ausst_ ... gen=T58558

Markus Bassler und Anja Jahn, untitled 2008

moondog studio

anja jahn (portrait) markus bassler (nature morte) — vincent

anja jahn (portrait) markus bassler (nature morte) — ayla


 11 апр, 08 12:32
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Night Park

photography and text by
Susan Bein

Night Park 3 © Susan Bein

Most people photograph nouns. Or pretty.

I photograph things others hurry by on their way to photograph— things they step over or drive by. I take my camera when there's nothing to photograph, nothing going on, no one interesting, lousy light.

I photograph verbs, light, questions…

Night Park 4 © Susan Bein


 12 апр, 08 22:44
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



Naked ambition | Arts | The First Post

They say it's the oldest profession of all but, thanks perhaps to our furtive interest in the seedy and illicit, prostitution retains its intrigue. The photographer Xu Yong sets out, he says somewhat optimistically, to 'solve' this social issue via the true-life story of his female subject and collaborator, Yu Na, a former call-girl. Posing naked, surrounded by 'businessmen', she's exposed yet unabashed. Perhaps it's because she is effectively in complete control: she has her finger on the button that operates the camera shutter. Her money-making scheme is now to sell herself in a different way — as an artist. It's a commodity's tale of personal triumph. Holly Kyte



Solution scheme
XU Yong, Yu Na
Galerie Albert Benamou
F. Paris, 10 Apr-10 May 2008

Если звезды зажигают, значит, это кому-нибудь нужно… Наверное, и такая фотография радует чей-то взгляд…


В галерее Albert Benamou имеется, кстати говоря, и Wladislaw Mamyschew-Monroe:


 13 апр, 08 12:11
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[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Ввиду какой-то бедности на выставки одна давняя ссылочка с курса:

October 22nd to November 14, 2004

Gail Thacker: почтенная девушка с Поляроидом, с обычной моделью камеры, с манипулятивными техниками и главное, с принципиальной философской подкладкой в виде патафизики. См. в связи с последним большую статью Жана Бодрийяра…

Э-э… ссылка не работает, статью не нашел, упс. Многое рассыпано у Бодрийяра в разных текстах. Так что даже не знаю.

Зато нашел дивный текст Линор Горалик, не читал ее лет десять, а напрасно, текст не новый, кайф поймать можно многократно:

«Она танцевала я лежала»: http://old.russ.ru/krug/kniga/20010226-pr.html

Да, это про «сюрреалистический изыск опоздавшего к французскому лету патафизика», вы правильно подумали.

Вот здесь, где коротко и весьма эмоционально: Хулио Кортасар: «Игра в классики»), ссылка рабочая:

http://community.livejournal.com/ru_boo ... ad=9069385

Две картинки: SUBjected : Gail Thacker — Polaroids, и весьма показательные артефакты в связи со второй реальностью.

Gene Frankles Typewriter © Gail Thacker

"Elixabeth" © Gail Thacker

…Thacker’s work, whether in portraiture, landscape, or self-portraiture, is deeply infused with a sense of the fragility of the physical world. In work extending back nearly three decades, the physical realities of time and aging are expressed in both the people and objects that are photographed and in the frailty of the aging images themselves. Not intended to be long lasting, the Polaroid photograph undergoes an accelerated process of change. Thacker captures moments in the history of her negatives in more stable prints, but will also present many of the original “positives” as they are now, in various, glorious stages of change.

http://www.safetgallery.com/ThackerPola ... iteup.html

Специальный отзыв с отвлечениями: The ’Pataphysics of Pickled Pictures по поводу выставки в Safe-T Gallery осенью 2004-го, с картинками и ссылками:

Bike (Self Portrait), 1997


«Ландшафты» и «Портреты» Gail Thacker в галерее June Bateman Gallery:

Radio City, 2001
Enlarged Polaroid, Manipulated process
Edition of 3, 16" x 20"

Armen (Polka Dot Dress)
Enlarged Polaroid, Manipulated process
Edition of 3, 16" x 20"


Там же — кредо автора:


Там же — реплика по поводу техники:

I print 665 positive/negative black-and-white Polaroid negatives onto color paper with color chemistry. I do this because of the philosophy of color that I was taught at the Museum School in Boston. In order to have a rich black or white, it is important to have layers of color beneath the black and white, a color theory I once used in my paintings and have incorporated into my photographs.

Последний раз редактировалось Валерий Лобко 15 апр, 08 18:17, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

 14 апр, 08 21:36
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


См. еще несколько небольших снимков, открывающих страничку годом более ранней выставки работ 8-ми авторов:


Изображение Изображение Изображение

Gail Thacker

http://www.safetgallery.com/ImperfectPa ... iteup.html

Там же — еще один «поляроидный автор»: Larry Davis.

"Untitled" 2" x 2" Polaroid transfer print

Davis’s small Polaroid transfer prints aim to capture the elegance of the human body and do so with exquisite and sensuous charm.

http://www.safetgallery.com/ImperfectPa ... olio4.html

И еще: любопытные “Biomorphs” R. Wayne Parsons:

Silver gelatin print 17"x 15"

“Biomorphs” are Parsons’ clever visual puns that play with our mind’s sometimes misguided ability to discover human forms in rather prosaic materials.

http://www.safetgallery.com/ParsonsPage ... olio1.html

Картинки в двух этих подборках увеличиваются.

 14 апр, 08 21:41
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[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Вот так еще:

Gail Thacker
Shaving Cream Series, 2007

50 unique Polaroid photographs
4 1/4 x 3 3/8 inches each

http://www.elizabethdeegallery.com/exhi ... the-making

Большая иллюстрация

 14 апр, 08 22:25
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[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


В ранних работах у Gail Thacker имеется такой портрет:

Mark Morrisroe in Bed, 1989

А вот тут — выставка прошлого года:

CLAMPART: Mark Morrisroe (1959-1989) — 6 Sept 2007 to 6 Oct 2007

Mark Morrisroe, Mark Morrisroe, "Untitled (Self Portrait)," 1986,
Hand-painted photogram, 13 x 10 inches

Вот что любопытно:

Friends from the Boston School

(including Nan Goldin, David Armstrong, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Jack Pierson, Tabboo!, and Gail Thacker)…

…Mark Morrisroe’s life and work were inseparable. The unofficial leader of what has now been coined The Boston School (including Nan Goldin, David Armstrong, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Tabboo!, and Gail Thacker — a group of artists who attended either the School of the Museum of Fine Arts or Massachusetts College of Art between 1971 and 1984), Morrisroe’s work typifies in many ways what is now understood as autobiographical photography. Nonetheless, Morrisroe is unjustly perhaps one of the least-known members of this circle due to his tragic death from AIDS-related complications at the age of thirty in 1989.

Now revered with an almost cult-like fervor among a select group of artists, including many of those who knew him during his lifetime, Morrisroe created some of the most important and influential photographic images in the late 1970s and 1980s. Indeed, Morrisroe’s diaristic artwork was fueled by his notoriously radical persona — a teenage prostitute raised by a drug-addled mother who turned her own tricks while her son slept in the next room. Morrisroe walked with a cane and a pronounced limp (and resultantly fell quite frequently) due to a legendary bullet lodged deep within his chest — a wound inflicted in high school when shot by a disgruntled john.

In both Polaroids and signature color photographs, Morrisroe created a rough, gritty style unto his own. Often scrawling unusual and elaborate texts along the borders of his prints, the artist also would re-touch fingerprints, scratches, and dust found throughout his images with paints of contrasting tones, thus highlighting the technical imperfections of his work. Critic Klaus Ottmann has written, “Morrisroe’s Polaroids, color prints, and Super 8 films embrace the ‘trash’ aesthetic celebrated in films by Andy Warhol, Jack Smith, and John Waters, and ubiquitous in Goldin’s early pictures and her slide show, The Ballad of Sexual
Dependency. . .”

Artworks by other members of The Boston School —- namely Morrisroe’s close friends and associates — simultaneously will be featured in ClampArt’s Project Room.

http://www.re-title.com/exhibitions/arc ... ART624.asp

 14 апр, 08 22:33
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[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


См. заодно:

Winter Bell, 1975-2003 A Solo Goodbye


Страничка, на которую который раз попал, там вспоминается Gail Thacker:

Two exhibits of note by non-WIPI women photographers who offer their own distinct imaginative style of unique portraits, were Gail Thacker's experimental Polaroid photography at June Bateman Gallery (March 6- April 12), and internationally celebrated fashion photographer Deborah Turbeville at the same 560 Broadway location in Staley-Wise Gallery (concluded mid-March).

Ну и закатившаяся так рано звезда американской фотографии…

http://www.womeninphotography.org/archi ... llery.html


http://modernartobsession.blogs.com/mod ... rca-d.html

Вот из этого проекта:

August 4th to September 10, 2007
Printed Matters. New Work by Philip-Lorca diCorcia


Glenn Horowitz Bookseller is pleased to announce their latest exhibition of new works by Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Printed Matters, curated by Thea Westreich and Ethan Wagner.

Taken from the contents of diCorcia’s 2003 book project, A Storybook Life, the works in this show were not made by any overt action on the part of the photographer, but came about accidentally as part of the printing process for the book. These images are the result of a proofing procedure typical in book publishing where a finite number of paper sheets are run through the press to ascertain sharpness of image, color absorption, and registration accuracy. The sheets are run through once on one side, flipped, run through again, and often re-flipped and run again producing a visual effect like a double exposure, an over-printing. Normally these pages are discarded once the printers are satisfied with the results, but diCorcia found himself captivated by the resultant imagery and held on to the proof sheets. Since then his interest in the special qualities of juxtaposed images which actually contact each other has developed. The layering effect, creating the proximity of ordinarily unrelated subjects, opens up greater worlds of narrative intrigue and complicates the field of meaning, two themes at the core of the photographer’s practice.

From more than 100 impressions diCorcia has selected 20 for this show, presenting them as “found” artist’s works.

http://www.johnmcwhinnie.com/index.php/ ... d_matters/

 14 апр, 08 22:41
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Собственно, когда в «Светоче» печатали Руслану Вашкевичу плакаты для Second Second Hand'а, давно уже, формат был громадный, на той самой бумаге Georgia Pacific Paper, которую вначале Цеслер раскопал (или, скорее всего, кто-то из Союза дизайнеров, связанный по печатным работам с американской типографией в Уручье), то вот какая история была.

Поскольку тираж был маленький, можно-нужно было на ходу экспериментировать и, что самое главное, ожидались любопытные наложения изображений в процессе приладки, когда одна и та же приладочная пачка листов используется для экономии бумаги неоднократно (буквальный Second Second Hand), то Руслан звался для авторского участия.

Вышли там, и правда, вещи совершенно безумные, такие убойные накладки многоцветные на его плакатах, можно было целую выставку шедевров сделать на одном только этом материале… Руслан большую пачку таких листов унес.

В принципе, в таком приладочном мусоре можно непрерывно шедевры находить, любая типография этим хороша, но там тогда плюс был в том, что Руслана же и плакат был, можно было что-то и прогнозированно изменить, хотя, конечно, стихия приладки сама по себе бесконечно хороша и любопытна непрогнозируемостью. Да и формат — больше A1, это на любимой здесь печатниками некогда «Планете» громадной немецкой печатали.

Так что я искренне рад за этот проект, Printed Matters, New Work by Philip-Lorca diCorcia, хоть у кого-то руки дошли…

 15 апр, 08 8:33
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Acid Candy
Miles Aldridge

Galerie Alex Daniels — Reflex Amsterdam
NL. Amsterdam, 19 Apr–07 Jun 2008

Miles Aldridge — Cat Story

Miles Aldridge — Couture Jewels

cratching At The Veneer Of Glamour
Mike Aldridge presents his second exhibition at Reflex New Art Gallery

The striking aspect about modern fashion photography is: it's becoming more and more uniform. Pick up any glamour magazine and look at the advertisements of the important brand names. Handsome youths who can just about differentiate between the luxury brands if you were to cover up the logos. The same applies also to the editorial pages. Fashion photographers in general are given complete freedom there as long as there is a clear listing of which supermodel is wearing which super brand in the credits. But here, too, the result is uniform: breathless model looks bored, staring into the lens. No suggestions there, not even a wink.

Luckily there are photographers who have their own clear style, who take pleasure in scratching at the thin veneer laid over the fashion world in a stylish way. Like Miles Aldridge. Both his assignments and his own work present the vision of another world. It is an autonomous universe of powerful images, full of references to classic films.

Весь текст на Photography-Now:
http://photography-now.com/popup_ausst_ ... gen=T60457

Саму галерею стоит полистать (через раздел «Календарь»):

the Beauty of Darkness: http://www.reflex-art.nl/index.jsp?USMID=84 (Miles Aldridge, Nobuyoshi Araki, Roger Ballen, Paul Blanca, Gary Lee Boas, Jean Christian Bourcart, Sergey Bratkov, John Chamberlain, Wendelien Daan, Desiree Dolron, Alla Esipovich, Margi Geerlinks, Tim Hailand, Simen Johan, Miriam Kruishoop, Boris Mikhailov, Daido Moriyama
Bill Owens, Erwin Olaf, Larry Sultan, Chris Verene, Marcel van der Vlugt, Kimiko Yoshida).

Simen Johan


David LaChapelle in Palermo: http://www.reflex-art.nl/index.jsp?USMID=645

David LaChapelle: http://www.reflex-art.nl/index.jsp?USMID=633

Nobuyoshi Araki: Kaori: http://www.reflex-art.nl/index.jsp?USMID=622

Nobuyoshi Araki 'Polaraki'


 15 апр, 08 18:59
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Что-то мне в одном слове, которое стало появляться на Znyata, хочется последовательно заменить две буквы…

В связи с этим: три чудесных черно-белых серии на ночь:

Blacks / Chessmen / Squares



 15 апр, 08 19:14
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Сильно впечатлил дядька.

И сам сайт приятный.

Via est Vita.

 15 апр, 08 20:21
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



Дивное какое все же событие ожидает наших коллег и знакомых, обитающих в Италии:


European Photography — Reggio Emilia
I. Reggio Emilia, 30 Apr-04 May 2008

Bettina Rheims, Asia Argento, étude, juin 2005, Paris, da " Heroïnes"

…Umano troppo umano (Human, alltoo Human) is the title and key theme of this third edition of Fotografia europea, dedicated to the controversial concept of the body, explored in its many and sometimes radically contrasting meanings.

As a result of our multi-disciplinary approach, numerous temporary exhibitions will be organised until 8th June 2008. These will be joined by a calendar of over one hundred events in the opening days from 30th April to 4th May, including lectio magistralis, conversations, seminars, workshops and performances…

The exhibitions of this third edition of Fotografia europea concentrate on the 'tactile' dimension of the photographic image. Five European artists have been chosen for solo exhibitions: Raoul Hausmann, Wols, Paolo Gioli, Jorge Molder, Pierre et Gilles; and four special assignments for new photography-based researches have been commissioned to Erwin Olaf, Ann-Sofi Sidèn, Antoine D'Agata, Aneta Grzeszykowska from the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and will be exposed for the first time.

The programme also offers a selection of over ten special projects inherent to the main theme and complementary exhibitions (Edward Steichen's retrospective, Heroines by Bettina Rheims and the collective exhibition Atlante italiano 007).

Весь текст:

http://photography-now.com/popup_ausst_ ... gen=T60415

 17 апр, 08 11:49
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Fotografia europea Reggio Emilia 2008 — photogallery



http://www.fotografiaeuropea.it/Sezione ... Sezione=19


 17 апр, 08 12:13
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Fotografia europea Reggio Emilia 2008 — photogallery




http://www.fotografiaeuropea.it/Sezione ... Sezione=19

 17 апр, 08 12:50
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Fotografia europea Reggio Emilia 2008 — photogallery




http://www.fotografiaeuropea.it/Sezione ... Sezione=19

 17 апр, 08 12:56
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