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Jörg Colberg: Review: Asakusa Portraits by Hiroh Kikai

These are exciting times for contemporary photography, with vast amounts of new work to be seen, vast numbers of books published, vast numbers of young photographers emerging. Looking back over the past few years, one thing appears to be unchanged, though: Only every so often, one encounters photography that has the ability to stop one in its tracks, that makes everything else disappear for a moment. Those moments are to be cherished, especially since they're so rare, so unpredictable.

I do remember the last such moment very clearly. At the Heavy Light show, ICP's recent survey of contemporary Japanese photography, I discovered the photography of Hiroh Kikai, or actually more accurately his "Asakusa Portraits". I went to see the show twice (something which I almost never do), in part because of the work. The second time, I was with two photographer friends (each with lots of big shows and several books on their respective CVs), and they both reacted to "Asakusa Portraits" the way I did: They were completely mesmerized…

http://www.jmcolberg.com/weblog/2008/09 ... .html#more

Ссылка на книгу (и презентацию):

Asakusa Portraits, Hiroh Kikai
by ICP

The Asakusa quarter of Tokyo was once home to the city’s historic pleasure palaces, and today embraces a stubbornly independent popular culture that encompasses traditional comedy theater and houses of erotic entertainment. Asakusa attracts outcasts from Japan’s modern consumer society and is also the home of the famous Senso-ji temple, which attracts floods of tourists from around the country. Over the past two decades, Hiroh Kikai has created an extensive and unforgettable series of street portraits from the enormous flow of people passing through
the district. Posed against the bare walls of the Senso-ji temple, these strong, severe, lonely studies radiate a shared sense of hard-won, idiosyncratic individuality. The photographs are accompanied by Kikai’s own pithy, sometimes humorous descriptions of his subjects. Taken together, Kikai’s Asakusa portraits amount to a classic meditation upon the timeless complexities of the human condition.

http://steidlville.com/books/709-Asakus ... Kikai.html

Fugitive Vision: Musings from a trip to Japan (III) Kikai:

How important is it for an artist to stake out new visual territory? Arnold Schoenberg once said that there's a lot of great music left to be written in C major. I would transpose that quote to photography by saying that there are a lot of great portraits left to be taken in black and white.

I bow again to Christopher Phillips for introducing me to the work of Hiroh Kikai (for a really good Kikai overview, go to Wikipedia site - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroh_Kikai ). I was immediately drawn to the work, but I discounted it because it was presented in the nostalgic vernacular of silver/gelatin, black & white prints. I had this argument with myself throughout the Japan trip. I saw many Japanese "versions" of Aaron Siskind, William Klein, Harry Callahan, etc, etc. Certainly Mr. Kikai's work is in, at worst, a strong artistic legacy that starts with August Sander and stretches through Lisette Model to Diane Arbus…

http://fugitivevision.blogspot.com/2007 ... kikai.html

Photography Tour to Japan #2:
Asakusa and Asakusa Portrait by Hiroh Kikai

Hiroh Kikai is a photographer from the Yamagata prefecture in the northern part of Japan. Influenced by a background in philosophy and the works of Diane Arbus, he has been working on this project since 1973. Titled “Asakusa Portrait,” Kikai’s portraits show people with peculiarities and sometimes subtle uniqueness against a simple backdrop of the wall in the Senso-ji.

Right now, Kikai’s images are shown as a part of an exhibition titled “Heavy Light” at International Center of Photography in NY. The exhibition attempts to show a segment of contemporary Japanese photographers whose work is fresh to US. In the show, 16 prints of Kikai’s portraits are featured. In the review of the exhibition by Roberta Smith in the NY Times, she particularly noted the excellence of his images…

( Ссылка на страницу Hiroh Kikai http://fotonoma.jp/photographer/2007_02kikai/index.html )

http://japanphototour.projectbasho.org/ ... roh-kikai/

Википедия (большая статья, ссылки): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroh_Kikai

Hiroo Kikai “Persona”

http://japan-photo.info/blog/2006/06/25 ... i-persona/

Studio Equis: Hiroh Kikai

Kikai studied studied philosophy under Sadayoshi Fukuda at Hosei University in Tokyo. He began to take photographs when the influential editor Shoji Yamagishi showed him photographs by Diane Arbus in 1969. The Hasselblad camera that he bought at the time is the camera that he stlll uses today.

Kikai worked for Doi Technical Photo in Tokyo from 1973 to 1976 in order to improve his darkroom skills. He became a freelance photographer in 1984. Living close to Asakusa in Tokyo, he often spent time there and the area became the location for a series of portraits that he has been shooting for over 30 years. Kikai’s other photographic subjects include working and residential neighbourhoods in and near Tokyo, and street scenes in India and Turkey.

Kikai has had solo exhibitions across Japan, in Kraków, Poland, and in San Francisco. His prints are held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and the Center for Creative Photography (University of Arizona, Tucson). In 2009 a retrospective of his work will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography.

http://www.studioequis.net/gallery.php? ... tistID=321


Hiroh Kikai ранее:

 13 сен, 08 13:51
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Откуда: Low flying jet
Камера: 35mm


Не знаю, поднималась ли раньше тема эта:

На сайте галереи "Подземка" есть интересные фото:


Anna Drapeza
Nastassia Atrakhovich
Andrei Shchukin
Vadzim Zdaravennau
Katsiaryna Hurtavaya
Alina Tsumarava
Elena Maslovskaya
Igor Savchenko
Sergey Kozhemyakin
Andrey Kolesnikov
Maksim Karol
Vitaly Brusinsky
Maryna Drozhzha
Vadim Kachan
Zhanna Tsialpuk
Siarhei Zhdanovich
Sergey Pilipovich
Ihar Krasheuski
Andrei Liankevich

За полёты в космос дальний! Против страха, боли, страданий!

 13 сен, 08 13:53
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Чуток экзотики… предыдущий аватар несколько обязывает…

Munehisa Sakurada: Munetopia

Photographer after fashion model, singer, actor, and so on:

Taisho no Parade:
Oh, Fausto!
Watashi wa Tokei
wo Enjite Himitsu
wo Eyou

Munehisa Sakurada is a latter-day renaissance artist who, in addition to achieving success as a model and singer, has acted in such well-received films as French Dressing and collaborated with cutting-edge filmmaker/impresario Macoto Tezuka. In this exhibition, Sakurada turns his talents to mixed-medium photography. The show features photo collages in which Sakurada appears in ladies’ wear and various states of undress. Filled with flowers and candy-cane colors, the images are cheeky, funny and somehow uplifting at the same time.

См. четыре иллюстрации здесь:



Проекты: http://fotologue.jp/sakuradamunehisa/

 14 сен, 08 9:31
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


В Yancey Richardson Gallery можно пролистать HIROH KIKAI
Tokyo Labyrinth

Ссылка имеется на странице текущей выставки:


Основная же выставка —

Masao Yamamoto
Kawa ~ Flow
September 5-October 18, 2008

Untitled #1533 (from Kawa = Flow), 2008, 6.75 x 9 inch Gelatin Silver Print,
Signed, titled, dated, editioned and stamped on verso, Edition of 20

F-#170, 2008, Unique installation of 22 gelatin silver prints
(F-#168, F-#167, F-#165, F-#166, F-#169, and F-#171),
Signed template in special wooden box

http://www.yanceyrichardson.com/current ... k_id=1249#

Masao Yamamoto

Untitled #911 (from a "Box of Ku"), 2002, 5 x 3 inch Gelatin Silver Print
Signed, stamped, dated & titled on verso, Edition of 40



Untitled #246 (from a "Box of Ku"), 1994.
3.75 x 5.5 inch Gelatin Silver Print, Signed,
stamped, dated & titled on verso, Edition of 40

Untitled #13 (from a "Box of Ku"), 1991, 2.5 x 4 inch Gelatin Silver Print
Signed, stamped, dated & titled on verso, Edition of 40

Untitled #434 (from a "Box of Ku"), 1997. 3 x 5 inch Gelatin Silver Print
Signed, stamped, dated & titled on verso, Edition of 40

http://www.yanceyrichardson.com/artists ... index.html

Как выглядят коробочки, можно посмотреть здесь:


См. также: Masao Yamamoto é

Masao Yamamoto's gorgeous new monograph, É, provides an ideal forum for his exquisite installations of intimate, dreamlike photographs. Working from a Zen philosophy of "emptiness", Yamamoto makes images that are essentially vignettes of nature and our intersection with it, ruminating over the passage of time and memory. Printed on uncoated Japanese paper in an oversized format, "é" comprises 59 photographs on 21 double-pages, included a double gatefold that opens to 52x16 inches.

http://www.yanceyrichardson.com/publica ... ject_id=48

 14 сен, 08 12:20
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Такие вот русалочки плавают на выставке

Michael Dweck
Robert Morat Galerie
D. Hamburg, 19 Sep-10 Nov 2008


http://photography-now.com/popup_ausst_ ... gen=T61659

А вспоминается куда более раннее…

Mikhail Garous
Lighter than Air




Art-Foto : WATER WORLD 2

Original photographic paper!


Здесь >


A Method for Monochrome Transparency Processing
by Mikhail Garous

http://www.profotos.com/education/proma ... ndex.shtml

http://photo.net/black-and-white-photo- ... rum/007K4f


См. еще попутно:

Russell Levin Gallery


From my personal collection, a never sold before original Brett Weston. Brett Weston's underwater nude images are highly sought after. The 11"x14" size are hard to find in galleries today for under $4,000.00, this is an even rarer 16x20!



 14 сен, 08 14:09
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Yossi Milo Gallery

Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Life that Came
September 4–October 18, 2008

Изображение Изображение

The Life that Came is the continuation of The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of their Dreams, an ongoing series of photographs following the lives of the young cousins Guillermina and Belinda as they grow up on their family’s farm outside Buenos Aires. Cultivating an intimate relationship with the pair, Ms. Sanguinetti has collaborated with the girls since 1999, capturing images inspired by the expectations, fantasies, and fears that accompany the psychological and physical transition from childhood to adulthood.

This sequel to the gallery’s exhibition of the series in 2004 carries the project forward to a new period in the lives of Guille and Belinda as they enter the adult world they once imagined. The fantastical tableaux of personal dreams and lively imagination of the early images give way to more meditative moments as the two cousins shape their own realities, encounter the fragility of changing relationships, and confront early motherhood.

Первая, третья и четвертая галереи — работы новой серии и выборка The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams; вторая — фрагменты On the Sixth Day:

Изображение Изображение
Изображение Изображение

Untitled, from On the Sixth Day
Fujiflex Print


Да, вот тут подборка довольно крупных иллюстраций:

The Women In Photography

Alessandra Sanguinetti : The Life that Came


 14 сен, 08 18:32
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Еще вот это на заметку:

Gallery Hopper: World’s worst photo interview question


Liz Kuball Photography | Blog: On format


(Labels: Alec Soth, Helen Levitt, Joel Sternfeld, Richard Renaldi, Stephen Shore, William Eggleston, Zoe Strauss).

 14 сен, 08 21:28
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


52 Photographers: A new photographer (or 3) each week.

(This is a collaboration of three photographers, all former BYU Idaho students, now living in different locations across the country. Each week one or two or all three of us review and submit one new photographer, contemporary or historic. The goal is to be exposed to many new photographers to see what is happening in the world of all aspects of Fine Art Photography: landscape, conceptual, portrait, etc… Another goal is to provide a resource and place of reference of photographers for other photographers or anyone interested in photography).

Последние публикации:

Andy Goldsworthy
Rona Chang
Liz Kuball
Alan George
Ken Rosenthal http://www.kenrosenthal.com/images.htm
Curtis Mann http://www.curtismann.com/
Peter Wildanger
Susan Silas
Popel Coumou http://www.popelcoumou.nl/work.php
Mark Power

Остальные страницы:


Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison : http://www.parkeharrison.com/
James Hajicek & Carol Panaro-Smith : http://alchemy-studio.net/index.htm


 14 сен, 08 21:42
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Popel Coumou

Netherlands 1978, 2000–2004 — Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam / photography.

Publication in the latest issue of GUP Magazine






Работы, 2008:

untitled, 2008, 130x87 cm


Ранее здесь, более подробно + ссылки:

 14 сен, 08 21:57
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GUP Magazine : The Graduates Issue : Annick Ligtermoet

SHANE LAVALETTE / JOURNA : Annick Ligtermoet: De Verontrustende Wereld

Thanks to Laurel, I found the fantastic portfolio of Dutch photographer Annick Ligtermoet…

http://lillamilla.com/?p=23 : Found on Flickr: Dutch photography talent

Annick Ligtermoet is a Dutch photography student. I found her randomly on Flickr — her screen name ‘favoriet’ (favourite in English) caught my attention. And the photos! They have a soft, vintage-like quality to them, and they are just hauntingly beautiful. Eery at times, serene at others… and always full of stories…

Annick Ligtermoet : The Photo's on my Wall


When visiting other peoples houses, you will find them having their walls decorated according to their own, personal taste. You could say their personality, or identity, is reflected by the pictures, paintings and objects which are collected on walls and closets. By making a certain collection, one is also able to alter the identity the walls seem to display. In this series I created my own identity, by making up a new history of my own life. I placed myself and my loved ones back in time, as I enjoy to pretend all was different and more old fashioned.

A. van M

Myopathie Primitive

Long Lost Love

In general, my work can best be described as a dark romantic story. Themes like death and decay are combined with sweetness and humour, which makes it possible to look at such horrid themes with both uneasiness and joy. My aim is to leave the viewer in a state of confusion, to make people wonder why they like to look at uncanny images.

The stories I tell are based upon my own friends and experiences, but I try to keep reality as we know it as far away as possible. Recreating the past with my fantasy is something I love to do. By giving my photos an aged feeling, they appear to be collected by me, instead of made. The images look like old postcards, as if I've found them somewhere in a box on a dusty attic. This makes me able to use photography in a different way. For example, I made a series of photos that could've been found on somebody's wall, as someone's own collection, and so the photos are telling something about this person's identity. For me, the fact that photos can be seen as a proof makes the medium photography very interesting. Although I'd like to pretend the worlds I create existed, I also value the aesthetics of my pictures, so I try to find a balance between the story and the beauty of the images


http://www.shanelavalette.com/journal/2 ... de-wereld/

 15 сен, 08 8:24
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Laurel в предыдущем сообщение — i heart photograph:

http://iheartphotograph.blogspot.com/ … весьма обильно, как всегда…

См. там, в частности:

…this week is your last chance ever to see the exhibition YOUNG CURATORS, NEW IDEAS at bond street gallery, the show closes on saturday, september 6th. my curatorial contribution is titled 'graphics interchange format' and it includes 67 amazing animated GIFs…

Да, см. еще специально презентацию здесь:

Work In Progress 2008

Depuis 1992, les membres de l’Association des Etudiants de l’Ecole Nationale de la Photographie organisent l’exposition WORK IN PROGRESS qui a pour vocation première de promouvoir et d’encourager les travaux d’étudiants provenant des diverses écoles d’art françaises.

http://www.wip-arles.com/index.php?opti ... 9&Itemid=1


De Fotoprijs 2007/2008

http://www.defotoprijs.nl/upload/fotopr ... 7_2008.pdf

 15 сен, 08 8:34
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


GUP#15 | GUP |
International Photography Magazine
The Graduates Issue



Levi van Veluw

Levi Van Veluw is a young artist from Norway. A recent graduate of the Artez Art School he has managed to notch up an impressive portfolio of commisioned work in a very short period of time. With work showcased across Europe and several showings in the States, plus several awards under his belt including the IPA Photographer of the Year award Levi is definitely going places. We had a chat with the artist about his latest Landscape exhibition at the Ronmandos gallery in Amsterdam.

Hello Levi, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Well my name is Levi Van Veluw and I was born in the Netherlands in a small town named Hoevelaken, 19-04-85. I graduated In 2007. I graduated cum laude from Artez’ School of Arts. I started out mainly wanting to be a painter but during my time studying I started experimenting with other mediums such as video art and photography.


http://www.dontpaniconline.com/magazine ... -van-veluw

Levi van Veluw > fette's gallery | los angeles


На одной странице: Levi van Veluw, Landscape, 2008


Levi van Veluw | Official website | Work


Levi van Veluw´s photo series are self-portraits, drawn and photographed by himself: a one-man-process. His works constitute elemental transfers; modifying the face as object; combining it with other stylistic elements to create a third visual object of great visual impact. The work you see therefore is not a portrait, but an information-rich image of colour, form, texture, and content. The image contains the history of a short creative process, with the artist shifting between the entities of subject and object.

'Landscapes'. This 4-piece series reinterprets the traditional landscape painting, removing plots of grass, clusters of trees, babbling brooks from their intimate 2 dimensional formats and transposing them onto the 3 dimensional contours of his own face. Thus a fresh twist is given to the obsession inherent in the romantic landscape of recreating the world and simultaneously being part of it. The romantic landscape and self-portrait genres are combined as a means of re-examination.

Besides the four landscapes, Levi van Veluw will also present a new video piece, landscape installation and works from two other series of photographs.

Since having graduated from the Artez Art School in Arnhem the Netherlands, Levi van Veluw has enjoyed a remarkable amount of success in a short period of time, with his work being showcased in several different locations across Europe and the States, earning him a number of prestigious awards that include the Photographer of the Year Award at the IPA International Photo Awards in the USA.


http://www.levivanveluw.nl/site/work-it ... pe-video-1


 15 сен, 08 12:45
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GUP#15 | GUP |
International Photography Magazine
The Graduates Issue

Audrey Corregan

Family pictures






Ранее здесь:

(Festival International de Mode et de Photographie, награда)


 15 сен, 08 12:57
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Putrach в связи с подводной темой обращает внимание на весьма креативную девушку:

Zena Holloway : Underwater Photographer & Director


Galleries and films include iconic underwater images of mermaids, free divers, water babies and dancers.

См. подборки здесь:

и здесь:
http://community.livejournal.com/foto_d ... 00102.html

Большое интервью здесь:



Статью — здесь:
Women Photographers
Deep Blue — Underwater photographer Zena Holloway interviewed



Еще публикация бумажная:
http://www.whatdigitalcamera.com/featur ... lloway.pdf

Ролик (презентация, небольшие картинки):

Но лучше смотреть большую подборку здесь:

http://www.mdolla.com/2008/05/zena-holl ... hotos.html

Имеются и книги, давно, правда, изданные…

 15 сен, 08 16:54
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Сложно удержаться от наводки на скандал…

См. специально здесь:

The Atlantic should have Googled Jill Greenberg before hiring her



I don’t feel sorry for The Atlantic magazine.

They are quite upset after discovering that Jill Greenberg, the left-wing photographer they hired to take photos of John McCain, is a deranged lunatic who manipulated pictures of the candidate to put him in a bad light — and then posted hateful photoshops of the images on her personal website and gloated about it to the Photo District News website…

http://michellemalkin.com/2008/09/14/th ... iring-her/


How Jill Greenberg Really Feels About John McCain

When The Atlantic called Jill Greenberg, a committed Democrat, to shoot a portrait of John McCain for its October cover, she rubbed her hands with glee.

She delivered the image the magazine asked for—a shot that makes the Republican presidential nominee look heroic. Greenberg is well known for her highly retouched images of bears and crying babies. But she didn’t bother to do much retouching on her McCain images. “I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad,” she says.


Большая заметка на Conscientious:

Jill Greenberg vs. John McCain (vs. The Atlantic)

http://www.jmcolberg.com/weblog/2008/09 ... ccain.html

Jill Greenberg Embarrasses John McCain, Self


Jill Greenberg

 15 сен, 08 17:30
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


GUP#15 | GUP |
International Photography Magazine
The Graduates Issue

Isabella Rozendaal


В журнале на обложке и в оглавлении как раз использованы снимки из проекта, который на сайте представлен очень подробно (линейная галерея).

Впечатляюще… Называется так:

On Loving Animals / Graduation Project

A photo exhibition, photo book and thesis about the Dutch and their obsessive love for animals. From the shows to the races, from the bedroom to the backyard, from kittenhood to old age. The animal that shares our life as part of our families and more.

Имеется книга:

On Loving Animals is available for €24,95

72 pages, soft cover, introduction in English
ISBN/EAN 978-9086-90-155-5
Veenman Publishers

Thesis / Scriptie

For my thesis, I've researched the way people perceive animals and the way we depict them in art, photography and pop culture. The research is as much visual as it is theoretical.

Но файл: Download thesis in PDF (Dutch version only, 3.5 mb) не грузится…


 16 сен, 08 11:06
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International Photography Magazine
The Graduates Issue

Sofie van Dam


HUP gallery, Netherlands

The New Generation
Sofie van Dam, Beatrice Jansen, Sofie Knijff, Isabella Rozendaal

Sofie van Dam (1983)

HUP Gallery mostly shows work of established photographers. Many times we have been asked about the star of the future. That's why we decided to organise a weekend in which we show the work of four very talented photographers. This weekend is the perfect chance to buy the work of the future stars, photographers that are at the beginning of a very promising career.

Награда вот здесь: http://www.photoacademyaward.nl/

См. подробнее: http://www.sofievandam.nl/curriculum.htm

Небольшая подборка работ: http://www.sofievandam.nl/

 16 сен, 08 13:42
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


На Luminous-Lint — новая выставка — целый город лиц в 1984-м и двадцать лет спустя:

Peter Feldstein
The Oxford Project

…In 1984, Peter Feldstein set out to photograph every resident of his town, Oxford, Iowa (pop. 676). Twenty years later, he did it again. But this time those same residents did more than pose. With extraordinary honesty, they shared their memories, fantasies, failures, secrets and fears with writer Stephen G. Bloom. The result is a riveting collection of personal stories and portraits that tell much more than the tale of one small Midwestern town. Because beneath Oxford’s everyday surface, lives a complex and wondrous community that embodies the American spirit.

In the narrative tradition of Studs Terkel’s Working and the photographic spirit of Mike Disfarmer’s Heber Springs series, The Oxford Project is equal parts art, American history, cultural anthropology, and human narrative — at once personal and universal, surprising and predictable, simple and profound.

The Oxford Project is a national portrait of overlooked triumphs and travails. In the faces and voices of these strangers, we grow to understand ourselves better. They remind us of who we dreamed we would become, and who we turned out to be.

From the Introduction by Stephen G. Bloom

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The Oxford Project

In the spring and summer of 1984, Peter Feldstein used a red marker to make a sign announcing that he wanted to take free portraits of everyone in Oxford, Iowa (pop. 673).

Like a kid at a lemonade stand, Peter set up shop on Augusta Street, Oxford's main street.

That first day, nobody came by. In the next few days, Peter's only customers were students on their way from school.

On Memorial Day, Peter photographed Al Sheets, a member of the American Legion, and when Al went to the Legion hall, he brought back 75 Legionnaires.

The project took off from there. When Peter was finished, he had photographed 670 Oxford residents.

Peter didn't pose anyone. Nobody did anything out of the ordinary, like jumping or doing handstands — except Clarence Schropp, who wore his wife's wig, and Calvin Colony, who brought his 300-pound pet lion.

Twenty-one years later, Peter set up his camera again. Some of the original residents had died and some had moved away, but a surprising number still lived in Oxford.

It was at about that time when Peter asked writer Stephen G. Bloom to join him. Stephen's instructions to Oxford residents were simple: Tell the truth.

Some chose to talk about religion. Others spoke about relationships gone bad. More than a few talked about spouses' infidelities. Several broke down in tears. A few waxed about first girlfriends and boyfriends.

Some of their words came out slowly, others came out in jags and torrents. The language of more than several was pure poetry. Stephen and Peter came to realize that the project had a purpose. They had become confessors to an undiscovered America.




Из публикации Time and Again

By Stephen G. Bloom
Photographs by Peter Feldstein
Smithsonian magazine, June 2006


In 1984, Peter Feldstein set out to photograph every last person in Oxford, Iowa. Two decades later, he's doing it again, creating a unique portrait of heartland America

John Honn -- carpenter in 1984 and Pentecostal minister in 2005.
Photographs by Peter Feldstein

Joe Booth -- livestock salesman in 1984 and lumberyard worker in 2005.
Photographs by Peter Feldstein

http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-cult ... stein.html

Публикации: (довольно много PDF'ов):


См, в частности:

"The Oxford Project" in Art Works magazine
http://www.uiowa.edu/~oberproj/oxfordpr ... tworks.pdf

Небольшая сетевая версия: http://artworksmagazine.com/?p=88

The (London) Guardian Weekend magazine (very large pdf — 13 full pages 129 Mb)

 17 сен, 08 7:33
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
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Еще вот такая отдельная ссылка:

Olson Larsen Gallery — contemporary art gallery West Des Moines, Iowa

Peter Feldstein

Peter Feldstein, CALVIN COLONY
Inkjet print, 23 x 44, 36 x 74, 44 x 94
$1,500.00, $2,000.00, $2,500.00

Peter Feldstein, BEN STOKER
Inkjet print, 23 x 44, 36 x 74, 44 x 94
$1,500.00, $2,000.00, $2,500.00

Peter Feldstein is an artist from Oxford, Iowa. He recently retired from his long-time position of Professor of Art at the University of Iowa where he taught photography and digital imaging.

Peter creates black & white and color inkjet prints with a technique called "cliche-verre," which involves etching or painting directly on a sheet of clear film which is then scanned and printed. The end result (dramatic black and white and color images), with interesting line, texture and pattern has the effect of a drawing or drypoint print.

И вторая часть иллюстраций на странице галереи — как раз эти самые cliche-verre:

Peter Feldstein, #2023
Inkjet print, 22 x 22

http://www.olsonlarsen.com/artists.cfm? ... md=display

 17 сен, 08 13:28
Сообщение  Встреча с легендой.
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