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хочу себе такую ферротипную фотографию... в какой стр**е мы живем, в мире такоое делают :arrow: 8)

никогда не угадаешь, сколько мозгов у человека, пока не начнешь собирать их с ковра
"время бешеных псов"

Последний раз редактировалось Arina Kita 06 сен, 08 21:32, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

 06 сен, 08 21:21
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[Не в сети] Молчун

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во времена наших родителей и прародителей тяжело наверное пришлось мерилин монро... не было такой скоростной техники, и станиславского не было :wink: затекали все женские прелести пока вылетит птичка..

никогда не угадаешь, сколько мозгов у человека, пока не начнешь собирать их с ковра
"время бешеных псов"

 06 сен, 08 21:31
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Sanne Sannes
HUP gallery
NL. Amsterdam, 23 Sep-21 Nov 2008

Sanne Sannes (1937-1967)

Sanne Sannes — Past Auction Results

Sanne Sannes
Selected images, 1960-1969
Sold: Nov 11, 2002

http://www.artnet.com/Artists/LotDetail ... 5D1F3BCE99

Sanne Sannes is one of the enigmas of 20th. century Dutch photography. During his short life very few people ever really got to know him and the few people who were close to him remain very reservered when discussing him and his work, wary of 'would-be-psychology' or 'psychological guesswork'.

…The strange thing about Sannes's erotic work is that it is essentially prudish; for him pubic hair marked a scarcely passable boundary.


Price Realized * £1,080 * ($2,031)

Estimate * £300 - £500 ($564 - $941)

http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/lot_ ... ID=4712279

champagne socialite: The Face of Love by Sanne Sannes ( + ролик)

Sannes described his approach like this: "There are many men who'll never see a woman in ecstasy. They change from one thing to something else completely different. Human emotions are my subject matter. I photograph people. They're what interest me, obsess me. I want to know what pushes them to do what they do. I don't look for them in the street; I don't do random photography. I direct them and record the moment they open up and become naked. I chose the most emotionally charged moments, the point of no return. I'm fanatically zealous!"

Photographer Anna Beeke posed for Sannes and describes him as a "voyeur and provocateur, adding that he was like a boy who'd got old too soon and was never free of the obsessions that preoccupied him"

Indeed, for many older men, there's a fine line between being sensual and becoming a pervert. Photographers, I believe, most often make this transgression. (And, may I add, it's not just with women.)

If those quotes don't make you want to read the book, you might want to get your hormone levels checked. Sannes' innovative techniques make for some really amazing images.

http://champagne-socialite.blogspot.com ... annes.html

Sanne Sannes Photography

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60R2erZv ... re=related

См. также:

Dutch Books of Nudes Alessandro Bertolotti Sanne Sannes… Photography:

"When Sex a Gogo was published in 1969, Sanne Sannes had recently been killed in a car accident, at the age of 30. He had recently been responsible for a notable work in the Dutch beeldroman (photonovel) tradition, Oog om Oog (Eye for Eye). Sex a Gogo was much more light hearted, a Pop art sexual manual, complete with psychedelic collaging and cartoon speech balloons, much influenced by the many 'underground' magazines that were such a feature of 1960s culture. The book's montages were devised by its designer Walter Steevensz, who took over the project when Sannes died, and it is his vision as much as the photographer's that is evidenced in this typically 1960s comedy of sexual mores. Yet however comical, Sex a Gogo never allows us to forget about its erotic intentions."--Parr & Badger, The Photobook, A History, Vol. I

http://bintphotobooks.blogspot.com/2008 ... andro.html

 12 сен, 08 19:50
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Photography Tour to Japan #3

Camera of choice and format of choice


One question that photographers often entertain when they travel is which camera to bring with them. Of course, when an airplane is involved, you cannot bring everything so choosing which cameras to pack becomes a serious as well as an entertaining question for photographers.

For this trip, I am bringing two cameras with me: a 7×17 banquet camera and a 4×5 field camera. It may sound a little crazy to carry these large cameras for a shooting trip where we will be relying upon public transportation for travel. Of course that doesn’t deter me. This old banquet camera has been my camera of choice for the last couple of years. Still, this will be my first trip with the big cameras traveling this extensively and without a car. I’m sure it will prove to be an interesting challenge at times, but I hope I can enjoy the whole experience.

When I started using the 7×17 camera, I connected to the work of Lois Conner. Conner created beautiful images of Chinese landscapes with a sense of place and a dynamic composition. She uses the elongated format so adeptly and I became intrigued by her description of how she works. For her, the difference between regular format and these panoramic format cameras is about more than seeing.

She describes that when she composes in say, an 8×10 format, that it is done such that it visually radiates from the center. In other words, an image has a main feature in a photograph which acts as a visual locus, and the rest develops around that. Whereas with an elongated format like 7×17, it becomes more effective to create images with a sweeping narrative as if you are reading a photograph, usually left to right. Certainly she has been influenced by her own studies of Chinese scroll paintings and learning about how painters traditionally frame images whether horizontal or vertical…

http://japanphototour.projectbasho.org/ ... of-choice/

 13 сен, 08 13:35
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Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Das fotografische Werk (1897-1928)
Ferdinand Schmutzer
A. Wien, 25 Sep-31 Jan 2009

Ferdinand Schmutzer, Holland 2
silver gelatin print, 24 x 30 cm

Ferdinand Schmutzer, Monastery Assisi in Italy
silver gelatin print, 24 x 30 cm

Другие снимки (Эйнштейн), текст:

Besides his extensive collection of prints, Ferdinand Schmutzer left an imposing photographic oeuvre comprising more than 3,000 glass plate negatives and 330 vintage prints. First presented to the public in 2001, his photographic works is now the subject of a critical edition, where it is placed in its context in the history of photography. Ferdinand Schmutzer's visual language is the result of a variety of motivations: his portrait photographs often served as studies and masters for his representative etched portraits of famous people, including Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Pablo Casals, and Arthur Schnitzler.

…The fact that Schmutzer was Vienna's leading producer of etched portraits and the criticism some artists faced for using photography contributed to this part of his oeuvre's remaining unknown until many years after his death…

http://photography-now.com/popup_ausst_ ... gen=T61756

Anzenberger Gallery : Ferdinand Schmutze


Viennese Society


 20 сен, 08 10:49
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Contemporary Works | Charlie Schreiner

Carnival Mask
Daguerreotype (3/4 plate)
in glass mount
7 x 5 in. (178 x 127 mm)
Title, name, date on verso. Mat hides some of daguerreotype.
Price: $4,000

http://www.contemporaryworks.net/artist ... php/1/3701

 23 сен, 08 19:10
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

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Third Eye Camera
Designed to study the beauty of decay.

4”x5” camera made from Aluminium, Titanium, Brass, Silver, Gem Stones and a 150 year old skull of a 13 year old girl. Light and time enters at the third eye, exposing the film in the middle of the skull.

 25 сен, 08 12:18
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Откуда: Минск


Putrach, шок — это по-нашему!

Плёночная камера из 150-ти летнего черепа 13-ти летней довочки, это же какой степени воспаление любви к мистической стороне фотографии должно быть у изобретателя, чтобы до такого додуматься???

 25 сен, 08 12:47
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Молчун

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Сообщения: 122
Откуда: Minsk


жесть.... вот это дизайнеры!

никогда не угадаешь, сколько мозгов у человека, пока не начнешь собирать их с ковра
"время бешеных псов"

 25 сен, 08 19:12
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 415
Откуда: Минск


Мадрид, сентябрь 2008 г.

Изображение Изображение

 05 окт, 08 15:45
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
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Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс


Total Vision
Ernst Haas
Atlas Gallery
GB. London, 23 Sep-01 Nov 2008

Несмотря на роль в истории фотографии и пафос пресс-релиза, ограничусь черно-белыми примерами:

Ernst Haas 'Albert Einstein, Princeton, New Jersey' 1951

Ernst Haas, 'Positano Priest, Italy' 1953

"Before Haas, there was no color photography, only colored photographs"

Haas is considered one of the most celebrated and influential photographers of the last century. The first photographer ever to be given a one man show devoted to colour photography at MOMA, he is universally regarded as the father of the medium. Edward Steichen described the exhibition as the beginning of a new "epoch in photography".

This important retrospective exhibition includes rarely seen vintage dye-transfer prints, in addition to early black and white photographs with a particular emphasis on urban photography and an extremely rare series of vintage abstract works. Unusually for a one man show, this exhibition includes both his black and white and colour work, in addition to a considerable number of previously unseen and unpublished vintage prints.

For nearly four decades the name Ernst Haas was synonymous with colour photography, but over the last twenty years, since the first time it was shown, his early black and white reportage and experimental work has become equally as well-known.

Весь (интересный текст) далее:

http://www.photography-now.com/popup_au ... gen=T62632

Модерн и винтаж: http://www.atlasgallery.com/


* A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?[citation needed]
* I am not interested in shooting new things - I am interested to see things new.[citation needed]
* There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.[citation needed]
* With photography a new language has been created. Now for the first time it is possible to express reality by reality. We can look at an impression as long as we wish, we can delve into it and, so to speak, renew past experiences at will.[citation needed]
* My theory of composition? Simple: do not release the shutter until everything in the viewfinder feels just right.[citation needed]
* Leica, schmeica. The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But you have to see.[1]
* Best wide-angle lens? Two steps back and look for the "Ah ha!"


Ernst Haas on artnet: http://www.artnet.com/artist/7621/ernst-haas.html

Photographers Gallery — Ernst Haas : http://www.photographersgallery.com/artist.asp?id=43

Сайт автора: http://www.ernst-haas.com/introduction3.html

 06 окт, 08 13:03
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Первая мировая в цвете:

http://photo-utopia.blogspot.com/2008/1 ... olour.html

Autochrome was the first commercial colour process, patented in 1906 by the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière. The process was an ingenious one, using potato starch grains dyed different colours coated very thinly on a panchromatic mono emulsion here is the Wikipedia description of the material and its process.

french soldier.jpg [ 41.15 Кб | Просмотров: 894 ]

at rest.jpg [ 33.94 Кб | Просмотров: 859 ]

Via est Vita.
 10 ноя, 08 16:05
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Сообщения: 2670
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


Creative Black and White Photography: Advanced Camera and Darkroom Techniques
9781581152647 (1581152647)
Allworth Press, 2003

The revised edition of this guide teaches photographers to systematically re-think the photographic process and take their technique to a new level. The author introduces an array of advanced techniques and concepts and explains how to use them creatively to solve a wide range of challenging aesthetic problems. The uses of sophisticated techniques involving film exposure and development control, camera filters, innovative uses of print contrasts, dodging and burning, and bleaching are illustrated step-by-step using comparative sequences of black-and-white pictures. In addition, a new chapter provides insight into the issue of digital versus traditional black-and-white photography from an insider's perspective.

примечание: после бесплатной регистрации книга доступна для бесплатного скачивания в пдф

UPD: поскольку регистрация на pdfchm похоже закрыта, файл загружен на docs.google.com и доступен всем желающим по запросу (проще если у вас гугл аккаунт)


 15 ноя, 10 11:17
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Костя, ты, наверное, с какого-то IP хитрого заходишь, или еще чего.
Простым смертным оно пишет, что
There is no registration in our project. Please don't ask.
We don't sale any books presented in our catalogue.
You can purchase this books in Internet shop "AMAZON.COM" by clicking Buy Now button.

Или там шаманство какое-то произвести надо?

Я видел, как реки текут на юг,
И как боги глядят на восток.

 15 ноя, 10 23:40
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Сообщения: 2670
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


хмм... я там зарегился много лет назад - может в этом дело
ну тогда высылаю книгу всем желающим по запросу :)
(в личку или в мыло плз)


 16 ноя, 10 0:01
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Сообщения: 2670
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


Pete Eckert is a totally blind person. But through his photography, he proves that he IS a visual person, he just can't see. Artists Wanted is proud to present this truly inspiring portrait of the artist.

I didn’t take photography seriously until I went totally blind. I was trained in sculpture and industrial design. I have always been a visual person and planned to study architecture at Yale, but then I started to lose my sight. A doctor coolly told me I had Retinitis Pigmentosa and left the room without further comment. While listening to Dr. Dean Edell, on a San Francisco TV network, I learned I would go completely blind. A caller asked about RP. I remember the doctor’s words; they hit me like a hammer. “A person with RP gradually looses their sight until they go completely blind.“ There is currently no cure for RP.

Cathedral.JPG [ 79.48 Кб | Просмотров: 833 ]

HONEY.JPG [ 313.59 Кб | Просмотров: 744 ]

KITCHEN.jpg [ 69.85 Кб | Просмотров: 834 ]

LOOKINGOUT.jpg [ 64.81 Кб | Просмотров: 768 ]

STEPHANIE.JPG [ 464.93 Кб | Просмотров: 773 ]

TUNNEL.JPG [ 231.3 Кб | Просмотров: 759 ]

 23 дек, 10 12:57
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Молчун

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 140
Откуда: Швейцария
Камера: Linhof, Rolleiflex


есть интересный вопрос

обьём емкости бочка как вляет на качество ???

для Одной катушки есть ёмкости 200 Ml есть 450 Ml

Agfa Rondinax 35 U - 200 Мл
JOBO 2400 - 450 Мл

 18 дек, 14 16:02
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Модератор

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 2670
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


AmigosFoto писал(а):
обьём емкости бочка как вляет на качество ???

в большинстве случаев - никакого
у _очень_ некоторых проявителей есть "минимальный объем проявителя (нормальной концентрации) на ролик пленки"
тогда может повлиять, если работать с разбавленным раствором: нужный объем может "не войти"


 18 дек, 14 17:37
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Молчун

Аватара пользователя

Сообщения: 140
Откуда: Швейцария
Камера: Linhof, Rolleiflex


Костя Ким писал(а):
AmigosFoto писал(а):
обьём емкости бочка как вляет на качество ???

в большинстве случаев - никакого
у _очень_ некоторых проявителей есть "минимальный объем проявителя (нормальной концентрации) на ролик пленки"
тогда может повлиять, если работать с разбавленным раствором: нужный объем может "не войти"

спасибо, после такого объяснения
всё становится понятно
надеюсь для процесса С-41 35мм плёнки таких реактивов не так много

 18 дек, 14 18:46
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Молчун

Сообщения: 125
Камера: 5dm3


Найдите советский двух спиральный бачок. В нём можно проявить одновременно 2 плёнки в 500 мл раствора. Это много экономичнее. Вторую половину растворов можно использовать в другой раз... Ратерсоны жутко неудобны в плане работы с объемами типа 1 литра...

Life +375297731414

 18 дек, 14 20:11
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