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Валерий Лобко писал(а):
Picturing Modernity: The Photography Collection

http://www.sfmoma.org/exhibitions/exhib ... .asp?id=12

John Gutmann
Mobile, Alabama, 1925
Gelatin silver print
Gift of Donald Kay in memory of Judy Kay
© 1998 Center for Creative Photography, Arizona Board of Regents

SFMOMA's world-renowned photography collection includes pictures from the mid-1800s to the present that capture key moments in the development of the medium and reflect a wide range of practices. Beginning October 27 the installation focuses on the theme of portraiture. Works on view include daguerreotypes, Alfred Stieglitz's images of his wife Georgia O'Keeffe, and studio protraits by Seydou Keïta. Other highlights include Nicholas Nixon's The Brown Sisters — a remarkable series of 32 photographs of Nixon's wife and her three sisters taken annually since 1975 — and Rineke Dijkstra's video The Buzz Club.

This exhibition will be temporarily closed from September 10 through October 26, 2007.

Там, собственно, ссылка на Picturing Modernity (fully illustrated information sheet), замечательная маленькая энциклопедия фотографических процессов, включая несколько современных:

http://www.sfmoma.org/extras/documents/ ... _may07.pdf

В дополнение к этому файлу имеет смысл скачать еще вот этот, с более широким списком процессов:

http://www.arlingtonarts.org/Ellipse%20 ... ROCESS.pdf

Объем небольшой, поэтому есть смысл привести весь текст:

Cyanotype : The technical name for an antiquated blueprint technique. As machine processes have replaced blueprints, the process has been adopted by artists for its creative capabilities. It is a simple process utilizing two chemicals that, when combined, become light sensitive. The sensitized paper is exposed to sunlight and processed in water, producing a variety of blue hues that can then be toned to produce a range of colors.

Digital Print : A computer process. An image, slide or negative is scanned into a computer by changing the tones and colors of the image into binary numbers that the computer can process. The image can then be printed as is or be manipulated by the artist. Digital prints may include combinations of several images.

Dye-Sublimation : A digital printing process. Dye-Sublimation, or Dye-Sub, printers use a transfer ribbon made of plastic film. Page-sized panels (8½ x 11) on the ribbon consist of cyan, magenta and yellow dye. A thermal print head, consisting of thousands of heating elements, capable of precise temperature variations, moves across the transfer ribbon. The Heating elements cause the color on the ribbon to vaporize and diffuse onto the surface of a specially coated paper. Precise temperature variations are responsible for varying densities of color. The hotter the heating element, the more dye is vaporized and diffused onto the paper’s surface.

Emulsion Transfer : A process in which the light-sensitive chemical and the vehicle it is suspended in are lifted off a paper backing and transferred to another surface. The shape of the emulsion can be manipulated in this transfer.

Frontier Print : A Frontier print is a machine process where a digital file is made from a scanned negative and light exposes Fuji color paper, and is processed using conventional Fuji papers and chemicals. Many “one hour” photo stores now use this process. Digital files can also be scanned at home or your digital camera card can be brought in and downloaded onto the Frontier Machine.

Gum Bichromate : A process using potassium or ammonium bichromate as the light-sensitive material suspended in gum arabic and mixed with pigment, which is coated on paper and allowed to dry. The paper is exposed under a negative and developed in water, which washes away the unexposed emulsion and leaves the image. Popular in the 19th century, this technique was later considered inferior because it produces an image that is low on contrast and has a short tonal range. Modern photographers often choose this process for the very qualities for which it was once criticized.

Ilfochrome Prints : Prints made by placing a transparency in an enlarger and exposing paper and using a chemical bath process. A process patented by Ilford.

Infrared : Photos taken with a special film which are sensitive to the infrared spectrum, which is not otherwise visible to the human eye. This process makes organic things appear bright and inorganic materials appear dark.

Inkjet Print from www.photography.com: Inkjet prints are creating digital prints from digital files. Until recently, manufacturers of inkjet printers had paid little attention to print life, but this has begun to change with more recent models. The use of six color ink sets led to smoother tones, but also tended to increase the rate of fading. There are also a number of third-party ink sets and papers which promise greater lifetimes than the standard materials.

Commercial inkjet printers — such as the 'Iris' — have a much better record, one reason why Iris used the term 'Iris gicleé' rather than inkjet as a description of their prints. They have a lifetime of about 30-40 years the image can be printed on high quality art paper and other materials that can be attached to a rotating drum.

Systems such as Cone Editions' PiezographyBW which uses long lifetime carbon inks for its unique black and white prints from Epson printers are also likely to evolve new names for the results.

Terms such as “Pigment Print” are considered archival inks, which last up to 80 years.

“Dye Inkjet” is a common home-use inkjet which is not archival, unless using Hewlett Packard inkjet archival inks.

Iris Print : Iris prints are digital prints created from electronic files utilizing the Iris 3047 printer. This printer outputs near continuous tone images with a resolution of 1840 dpi for images as large as 35” x 47”. The printer sprays cyan, magenta, yellow and black water-based ink through four nozzles at the rate of one million droplets of ink per second on nearly any type of fine art high quality paper or other material attached to a rotating drum. The droplets are sprayed in a precisely controlled manner to form different colored dots of varying sizes. Multiple droplets are overlaid to create continuous tone reproduction. When made properly, they offer exquisite image quality.

Lightjet Print : Lightjet prints are a digital file, printed on a RA4 color paper. (the most common color paper used in the chemical process)

Palladium Print : This process uses the salts of palladium as the light sensitive material. Popular from World War I (when it replaced platinum as the preferred medium) through the 1930’s, it is noted for its delicacy of grays and a tendency to give soft results.

Pictography : The Pictography print is developed by Fujifilm. It utilizes a “Laser Exposure — Thermal Development — Dye-Transfer Process," producing continuous gradation equal to that of a silver halide photographic print. Pictrography offers high-quality printing for photo-realistic prints from computer graphics, scanned images, and photo CDs.

Polaroid : A brand name for a type of film in which the developing chemicals are included in the same pack with the film. Created as a way to popularize photography, since the process is so quick and needs no darkroom, it has been adopted by artists for its spontaneity and flexibility. Certain types of Polaroid film can be pulled apart to create prints from the undeveloped negative (see Polaroid Transfers, below), and others can be manipulated with tools to draw on top of an image. Left unmanipulated, Polaroids often have a fresh, lyrical quality that “captures a moment in time.”

Polaroid Transfer : A process in which an image is taken with a Polaroid (“instant”) camera, then the print is separated from the negative and, while the negative is still wet, the dye is transferred onto paper or another surface.

The resulting one-of-a-kind print often looks old-fashioned, the colors muted and the surface more textured than that of traditional photography can produce. The finished product often functions like our memory of an image: strong in shape and mood, weak in detail.

Toning: Selenium : After printing, photographs can be toned with selenium as part of archival processing or as an aesthetic decision. Selenium produces a much richer black and helps increase permanence. In strong concentrations it produces a marked red-brown, almost purplish image.

Sepia : Sepia toning, like selenium toning, is done after printing. This process gives a print a brown-yellow “antique” quality.

Silver Gelatin Print : This is a darkroom process using chemicals and photo paper for printing black and white photographs. Gelatin is the vehicle used to support light sensitive silver bromide, iodide or chloride combined and coated on the base material (such as paper or glass).

Type C print : The most common color photography processing technique. Type C, or the chromogenic system, refers to one or two processes in which the colors are formed in three layers, either in a dye-injection or a dyeincorporated system. The dye-injected process involves separate development for each of the three film emulsion layers. Dye-incorporation is simpler, since the chemicals are included in each layer and can form dyes during the processing in all three layers at once.


Загляните еще и вот сюда, History of Photographic Types:

http://www.lib.iastate.edu/spcl/resourc ... may99.html


Последний раз редактировалось Валерий Лобко 08 сен, 07 16:50, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

 08 сен, 07 15:57
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[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



В блоге в Николая Моррисона, хорошая такая фамилия, да, нашлись замечательные ссылки.

Two Polaroid 600 technique how-tos

http://photondetector.com/blog/2007/01/ ... echniques/

Two new step-by-step how-tos have been posted at Alternative Photography:

An introduction to Polaroid 600 and image film manipulations:

http://www.alternativephotography.com/p ... ectra.html

Indirect Low Light Polaroid 600 Photograms:

http://www.alternativephotography.com/a ... rt086.html

Both were written by Jenelle Norris, whose work you can see at her web site and her gallery at AlternativePhotography.com.

Related posts

First ever World Film Photography Day announced
Fuji announce price increases for colour negative film
More awesome photogram roundups at Slowlight
Amazing photogram roundup at Slowlight
Polaroid peel-apart goop negative tutorial

И еще:

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2007 : http://photondetector.com/blog/2007/01/29/wppd-2007/

Mark Stetler "Nature Without Glass" pinhole landscape show, NY, US : http://photondetector.com/blog/2007/01/ ... r-pinhole/


Не упустите возможности заглянуть к нему в «Статьи»:

Why are we still shooting slide film? : http://photondetector.com/articles/why-slides/

The facts about Holga apertures : http://photondetector.com/articles/holga-apertures/

А также в раздел Tools & Reference:



Сам блог: http://photondetector.com/blog/


 08 сен, 07 16:08
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 231
Откуда: Минск


Валерий Лобко писал(а):
Энергии, аккумулированные драгоценным металлом, продолжают жить и после съемки. Эта их жизнь, обычно растянутая во времени, в данном случае течет неожиданно быстро и видна невооруженных глазом.

интересное замечание в пользу полароида.

 08 сен, 07 22:10
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сайт опытного печатника Barry Thornton из англии.

http://www.awh-imaging.co.uk/barrythorn ... uji100.htm
о пленке fuji ss 100

о бумаге Ilford MG Cooltone RC

описание устройства темной комнаты

еще несколько статей:

http://www.awh-imaging.co.uk/barrythorn ... lultra.htm
zone system

Personal Film Speed

Personal Dev' Times

http://www.awh-imaging.co.uk/barrythorn ... bleach.htm
Bleach & Monobath

насколько я понимаю, он еще проводит семинары, пользуется и распространяет химию по собственным рецептам, автор нескольких книг...

 12 сен, 07 14:44
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[Не в сети] Молчун

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и когда вы успеваете все это смотреть????

 12 сен, 07 22:09
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так и успеваем.....а вот писать уже времени не хватает) Не представляю, как Валерий это умудряется делать )

 12 сен, 07 23:52
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[Не в сети] Старый ворчун

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Мдя ,а как просто все начиналось )))задели вы Катя их за живое )))

Фалеков гендекасиллаб есть сложный пятистопный метр, состоящий из четырёх хореев и одного дактиля, занимающего второе место. Античная метрика требовала в фалековом гендекасиллабе большой постоянной цезуры после арсиса третьей стопы.(с)

 13 сен, 07 8:14
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Спасибо вам огромное за бочку )
Вот пленки проявлены а печатать негде.... Ждем-сь пока откроется краявид...

 13 сен, 07 13:17
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 231
Откуда: Минск


Катерина писал(а):
Спасибо вам огромное за бочку )
Вот пленки проявлены а печатать негде.... Ждем-сь пока откроется краявид...

а зачем ждать, он уже открыт!

 13 сен, 07 14:17
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открыт-то открыт, а печатать еще не начинали )

 13 сен, 07 18:22
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Сообщения: 2669
Откуда: Минск
Камера: leica m3


Алексей Шинкаренко писал(а):
Катерина писал(а):
Спасибо вам огромное за бочку )
Вот пленки проявлены а печатать негде.... Ждем-сь пока откроется краявид...

а зачем ждать, он уже открыт!

а что является пропуском к телу фотолаборатории краявида?


 14 сен, 07 9:54
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сложный вопрос.....

 14 сен, 07 10:57
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

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Откуда: Минск


Костя Ким писал(а):
а что является пропуском к телу фотолаборатории краявида?

Катерина писал(а):
вопрос сложный...

Ничего сложного нет. Нужно определится с целями. А решение всегда найдется. Какой вам пропуск нужен, и для чего?

 14 сен, 07 15:39
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 415
Откуда: Минск


ну я бы например хотел напечать пару тройку своих работ... (можно со своей химией и бумагой) в какое нибудь неурочное для Краявида время..., или какой нибудь мастер класс по основам печати посетить (что бы вспомнить...)...

 14 сен, 07 23:12
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[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



Привет, только вот появился, Михаил Гарус меня еще по телефону вчера уже застал.

Что вспомнилось — в этой весьма растиражированной в Сети публикации:

Гарус М., 'Зонная система экспонометрии'

вторая часть — это приложенгие зонной теории при печати снимков.

Давно текст не перечитывал, но определенно там это имеется.


 15 сен, 07 7:31
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 231
Откуда: Минск


SergL писал(а):
ну я бы например хотел напечать пару тройку своих работ... (можно со своей химией и бумагой) в какое нибудь неурочное для Краявида время..., или какой нибудь мастер класс по основам печати посетить (что бы вспомнить...)...

Краявид – учебная фотостудия, лаборатория задействована под учебные задачи. Практики работы во внеурочное время нет. Отчасти потому что внеурочного времени практически нет, занятия идут с 9 до 21 часа.
В «Школе фотографии» мы планируем вводить практику аренды лаборатории, т.е. использования темной комнаты не только для учебных целей. Но эта возможность появится через полгода.
Что можно предложить сейчас - Мастер-класс. Его организация реальна. При условии набора группы 5-8 человек можно провести его в ближайшие месяцы. В мастер-класс можно также включить возможность для каждого участника напечатать «пару-тройку» своих работ.

 15 сен, 07 13:38
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 415
Откуда: Минск


ну, подождем мастер класса....

 15 сен, 07 16:52
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

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А вы не ждите, а просто приходите. а то обещенного три года ждут ;) у Колесникова занятия проходят в среду субботу с 9-12 потом с 15-18 и с 18-21. Еще у Матусевича многие изъявили печататься.

Приходите, главный пропуск — это желание. :)

 17 сен, 07 12:53
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[Не в сети] Местный житель

Сообщения: 415
Откуда: Минск


ага..., спасибо постараюсь...

 17 сен, 07 22:53
Сообщение  Бочки для проявки пленки
[Не в сети] Модератор

Сообщения: 2515
Откуда: Минск-Вильнюс



Я вот все вспоминаю ни с чем не сравнимый запах венгерских (Forte) бумаг…

Да, какие-то доступные иногда Kodak и Ilford тоже весьма своеобразны были в этом отношении, но все же Forte — это нечто.

Это из раскопок по поводу Ленерта:

t was in 1995 that Concordia University's Chris Langtvet turned up at Lehnert & Landrock's doorstep. Soon enough, serious attempts at reproducing the glass plate negatives themselves began in earnest, so that the work of the masters could become available for the next generation of users. Producing contact prints from old large-format negatives using 19th-century technology is no easy feat in a world that has gone digital. Top-quality silver gelatin photographic paper (Forte PW14) has to be imported from Hungary. And to stand the test of time, the final product must be toned in selenium, which gives it a warm, rich look in addition to extending its archival life. Currently Langtvet is training an eager apprentice in the old techniques. Everything must be done as it was 70 years ago.


Что касается текущей ситуации, то вот тут обсуждалась в январе проблема закрытия производства:

Fortepan Shutdown -or- Not... : http://photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00JgoU

Сама история производства:

Forte Photochemical Co., Ltd.

The Company Forte had its origins in 1922, when the London based Kodak company estabilished a subdiary for the prodcution of black and white photographic paper in Vác, Hungary.

Recognizing the amateur and professional photographers' demand for full range service, Forte has never stopped developing new products and has continually expanded its product line.
The great variety of the products manufactured by Forte reflects convincingly this endeavour of the company.

Some 3 million sqm of black and white photopaper and nearly 1 million sqm of black and white photofilm is manufactured yearly.

Special products such as X-ray diagnostic and graphic arts materials, as well as colour film and paper are produced in the frame of international cooperation mainly based on confection from jumbo rolls.

The number of different black and white enlarging papers is over 60 including the variable constant brown tone paper, which is unique on the photo market.

Black and white photfilms are manufactured sheet, 35mm and roll formats in the speed range of 100-400 ASA.
Processing chemistry developed by Forte CO. LTD makes for optimal processing, although standard formulations by other manufacturers can also be processed in Forte formulations with good results.

The cold tone papers manufactured by Forte - Bromofort product family - readily accept toning.

The brown tone papers - Fortezo product family - are designed to give superb rendering of warm brown tone.
With these features Forte provide the photographers with a very effective tool to produce prints of special effects. Such prints are becoming more and more popular with photographers.

 19 сен, 07 11:30
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